Chapter 1: The Mandalorian And The Dar'manda

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(A/N: Dar'manda means a state of being "not Mandalorian"; not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and soul. There might be times where I use Mando'a, or language of the Mandalorian, from time to time but I will make sure to put the translations of them at the end of the chapter.)

Snow was fallen from the cloudy sky on to the already icy and snowy planet. One large building was the only thing that stood out among the ice and snow. One lone armored figure, a Mandalorian, walks up towards the building, holding a tracking fob. The device beeped, letting him know that his bounty was here.

Inside, the cantina was bustling with people drinking and talking amongst each other, including two trawlers who were messing with a Mythrol. "Look at his glands!" One Trawler to his friend as they continue to mess with the Mythrol. "I bet we could sell them at the port!" the second Trawler pointed out. "Please! Please! I have credits! Take them!" the Mythrol pleaded to them as he shows them the credits. But the second Trawler shoves him against the table

"He's young. The musk will be sweet." The Alpha Trawler laughs as his partner pulls the Mythrol up, making the Alpha Trawler's drink fall over. Then the Trawler pulls out his blade. "And now for the real prize..." he said but before he could do anything, the doors open and the Mandalorian stands there for a moment before he enters.

The Trawlers and every other patron all turn to see the newcomer but the Trawler was not impressed. The Alpha Trawler yells at the Mandalorian as the Mandalorian walks past him, ignoring him. "You spilled my drink..." The Alpha Trawler said, angrily, to the Mandalorian but the gunslinger doesn't respond to him.

"Hey, Mando!" The Trawler calls out and the Mandalorian turns his head to him then turns away as he walks up to the bar. The Alpha Trawler then walks up to him. "I said, you spilled, my drink..." The Alpha Tralwer tells him but Mando doesn't even look at him. Then the second Trawler shoves the Mythrol down against the table while the other patrons stare at the Mandalorian.

"He says you spilled his drink." the Bartender said but Mando never speaks. "That's fine! It's on me." The Bartender said and he goes behind the bar while the Trawler looks over the Mandalorian. "Is that real Beskar Steel?" He asked the Mandalorian just as the second Trawler comes up to the Mandalorian.

"Here." The Bartender said as he picks up a cup then slides it across the bar. But before the cup could get to the Alpha Trawler, Mando stops the cup, grabs it then used it to hit the Alpha Trawler in the head and the second Trawler in the face, making him fall back unconscious. The Alpha Trawler stumbles back as Mando grabs the third accomplice by the head and slams him onto the bar.

The Alpha Trawler pulls out a blade and tries to stab Mando, but he grabs his arms, punches it under his arm and twists it behind the Alpha Trawler. The third guy tries to flee but Mando shoots out a grappling hook and it wraps around the creature's legs. Mando began pulling the grapple towards and the guy pulls out his blaster and fires at the Mandalorian, which hits his shoulder armor.

Mando fires his own blaster at the door panel; which made the door close on the guy, cutting him in half. Everyone watched in shock and horror at this but nobody dared to go near the Mandalorian 

The Mythrol started to chuckle as Mando walks up to him. "Thank you. Thank you very much. You got my heartfelt gratitude." the Mythrol said as Mando just stares at him. "You know, you take my credits. Buy yourself a drink." he tells the Mandalorian as he pushes a pile of credits to him.

But the Mandalorian places a hologram puck on the table, which shows a hologram image of the Mythrol. "Uh...Is that a bounty puck? Is that me?" The Mythrol said, nervously, but the Mandalorian doesn't say a word. "Look...uh...there must be some mistake. I can get you more credits." the Mythrol said, a bit panicked, until the Mandalorian finally speaks.

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