Chapter 14: The Tragedy

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Grogu babbles on as he looks at the little knob. Din and (y/n) both watch him as the Razor Crest gets closer to Tython. "Grogu." Din said and Grogu looks up at him, which made Din and (y/n) chuckle.

Grogu goes back to looking at the knob when (y/n) said. "Grogu?" And he looks up at her, making the two hunters chuckle again. "Give me the ball." Din said as he reaches out for it but Grogu pulls away. "Grogu, give him the ball." (Y/n) said, in a calm but firm voice much like the one she remembered her dad would use on her when she was young and started to misbehave.

Grogu looks between the two then gives the knob to Din, who takes it. The youngling squeals a bit as Din holds the knob up. "Okay, here we go. You can have it, just like before." Din said and Grogu raises his little claw. "Grogu, come on. You can have it." Din said and Grogu raises his arms up higher then starts to close his eyes.

Suddenly, the knob flies out of Din's hand and into Grogu's. "Dank farrik!" Din exclaimed, proudly, as he slaps his hand on his knee while (y/n) clapped at this. Then Grogu drops the knob down, thinking they were mad at him.

"Hey, no. We're not mad at you. You did good. We just..." Din said as Grogu looks up at him, curiously. "When the nice lady said you had training, we just..." Din stops as Grogu frowns at this. Din sighs as (y/n) reaches out to Grogu, picks up the knob and gives it to Grogu. "You're very special, kid. We're gonna find that place you belong and they're gonna take real good care of you." (Y/n) said as Gorgu takes the knob.

She looks down then turns in her seat and looks at her necklace, a mixture of emotions and thoughts were running through her head. Din turns in his seat as well and flips some switches before he looks over at her.

“Are you alright?” Din asks and (y/n) chuckles, dryly. “I don’t know. How would you feel if you just found out you’re Force sensitive?” she asked. Din shrugs but he understands how lost and confused she is feeling. “It must be overwhelming. I mean, that's how I would feel if I found out about something like that about me.” he said and she sighs.

“When I was a young girl, my father would tell me this story. The story was about a knight working for the kingdom, and he was one of the best warriors. The clan, he fights for, had strict rules for knights like him to live by. One day, while on a mission, he was badly injured…and a woman saved him, and…he committed a crime that no knight should have ever done.” (y/n) recounts.

“What was the crime?” Din asks, not knowing where this is going. (y/n) smiles at him sadly. “He fell in love with that woman.” she replied before she continued on. “He would visit the woman whenever he could without anyone’s suspicion. Later on, his clan found out about it somehow, so they put him on trial, and he was soon punished for his crime of forming an attachment. He was given a choice: cut off the bonds with the woman…or be banished for his crime. The knight made no protest nor had he cared for his title as he leaves the clan without another word. He came to his lover's home where he declared his love for her. They married shortly after and then came a child of their own. And they live a peaceful and happy life as village farmers.”

She stopped then looked at the necklace again. “I didn’t realize the story was about his life as a Jedi before he cut ties with them just to be with my mother...until now.” She said as a small smile forms on her face.

“You don’t look upset about it.” Din pointed out. “No…but I'm starting to become afraid." She said. "Afraid of what?" Din asked. "Now that I found out I’m Force sensitive, I'm scared that that would change everything between us.” She reveals as she turns to look at him before tears form in her eyes and a sob lodged in her throat.

Din reaches out and wipes away the tears from her face with his thumb then takes one of her hands in his free hand and holds it. “Nothing can change how I feel about you. Jedi or not, you’re still you.” Din said and (y/n) gives him a sad smile before there was a noise that broke the moment.

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