Chapter 2: The Child

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"Haar'chak." (y/n) mutters as she tried to start the speeder bike but it wouldn't start up. She sighs as Mando and the child, who was in his egg shaped floating pram, stare at her. (Y/n) shakes her head then grabs her bag and slings it across her shoulder. "Looks like we're walking." She said and Mando nods.

So the trio made their way across the desert landscape. At one point, they were walking through a canyon when Mando stops then holds his hand out to (y/n), signaling her to stop. She stops and the two look around themselves just as they heard what sounded like footsteps.

Mando and (y/n) both reach for their own blaster gun when a noise sounded out. They look over and see a creature jump off of a ledge and attacked them with a battle axe.

The two bounty hunters dodge the guy only to see he had a tracking fob on his hip.
(Y/n) pushed the Child's crib away, out of harm's reach, just as the other bounty started to attack Mando with his axe. (Y/n) went to go help but the guy's partner jumps in and attacks her. 

The Child watches the four bounty hunters fight amongst each other as they trade blows to one another. One of the enemy hunters was able to slash at Mando while his partner was able to punch (y/n) in the stomach. 

Mando and (y/n) get out their rifle and started to fight with those, like using a bo staff. The two end up being back to back as they fight until Mando and (y/n) lock arms, his left arm and her right arm, and (y/n) leans back, against Mando's back, kicks the guy that was attacking her across the face.

He falls back as Mando stuns the guy in front of him with his rifle. The two unlock their arms, standing back up, when the second hunter comes back at her. Mando steps forward and started to beat the hunter up with his rifle just as the first hunter started to run.

(Y/n) raises her rifle and fires at him, disintegrating the guy. Mando knocks the other guy out cold and the two catch their breath when they see the tracking device the guy dropped when he disintegrated. "What did I tell ya." She whispered to Mando then the two look over at the child, which (y/n) could tell that he was scared.

That evening, as the sun was setting, the two had set up a campfire and (y/n) was tending to Mando's wound while the child was sitting his crib, staring at them. Mando started to let out small noises and gasps of pain as (y/n) worked on him. "Udesii." She said, softly, to him as she looked over the cut on his arm.

Then both of them hear little footsteps and they turn to see that the Child had gotten out of his crib and was walking towards them. He was coming towards Mando and had his little hand reaching out for him but (y/n) picked up the Child, before he could get any closer, stood up and set him back in his little crib.

She walks back over to Mando and sits back down in front of him. Then she looks over the work she did. "Best that I can do." She said and she starts to put away the medical kit away. "Well, as long as I don't bleed to death. Should be good." Mando said and (y/n) smirks a bit. "Doubting my skills?" She asked with a bit of sarcasm and he chuckles, lightly, when they heard footsteps again.

The two look over and see the Child walking towards Mando again, his hand raised, but Mando picks him up, stands up and sets the Child back in his crib then he sits back down across (y/n). 

The next morning, the two hunters and the child make their way to the Razer Crest, only to find it being dismantled by Jawas. Of course. (y/n) thought as she and Mando kneel down and Mando pulls out his telescope. He watches them take pieces of his ship into their sandcrawler before he pulls out his rifle, just as (y/n) pulls her rifle out as well.

The two aim their guns towards the Jawas and Mando fires at one, disintegrating it. The other Jawas see this and began to run as (y/n) shoots at another one and Mando reloads his gun. The two hunters disintegrate a few Jawas, while the Child watches them, until all of Jawas flee inside their sandcrawler.

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