Chapter 8: Redemption

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Two Stormtroopers, one of them carrying a bag with the Child in it, come up on a ridge outside of the town after speeding across the fields on their speeder bikes. "Speeder bikes have arrived at the checkpoint with the asset. Awaiting confirmation." the first Stormtrooper said then the Child squeals. The trooper turns and punches the Child. "Knock it off!" He growls as the Child let's out a noise.

"Waiting for confirmation to continue into town." the trooper said into the comms. "That's a go to proceed, but I advise you to double-check. The Moff just touched down and already took out a squad of local troopers." the operator said. "Standing by." the trooper said then he puts away his comms while the second trooper turns to him.

"Did he just say that Gideon killed his own men?" The second trooper asked. "Oh, who knows? These guys like to lay down the law when they first arrive into town, y'know. You know how it is." the first trooper said and the Child begins to cry. The trooper punches the Child again. "I said, shut up. Yeesh." He growls as his partner looks at the bag.

"What is that thing, anyway?" The second Trooper asked. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe Moff wants to eat it. I don't ask questions." the first Trooper said. "Can I see it?" asked the second trooper. "Did you not just hear that Moff Gideon killed a dozen of his own troopers to make a point?" the 1st Trooper asked and the 2nd Trooper holds his hands up. "Okay." 

"I get that point. Do you get the point?" The 1st Trooper asked his partner. "Yes." he said. "Okay." said the first Trooper said and they sit and wait, bored. Then the 2nd Trooper starts shooting at some garbage,  missing everything. The 1st Trooper shakes his head and starts shooting, both of them missing.

"Should we offer that thing some water?" The 2nd Trooper asked, nodding towards the bag. "You just wanna look at it." the 1st Trooper said. "So what? You got to see it!" the 2nd Trooper said. "Barely. I mean, I grabbed it up off the ground and I stuffed it in the sack." the 1st Trooper said. "It's more than I got to see it." said the 2nd Trooper.

"Look, I'm not taking it out of this bag until I deliver it to the Moff." said the 1st trooper. "Fine." the 2nd Trooper grumbles. "Okay. Stop asking." the 1st Trooper said then he gets off his bike. "Let me check on this thing. This is crazy." he said then he turns to his comlink.

"Any update yet?" he asked "That's a negative. Still waiting on confirmation. He just killed and officer for interrupting him, so this might take a while." The operator said and the 1st Trooper sighs  "Thank you. Standing by still." he said then he puts away the comlink. "Unbelievable." he grumbles.

"Hey, how long has it been since that thing moved?" the 2nd Trooper asked. "I don't know, like a minute or two. Don't worry." the 1st Trooper said as his partner gets off his bike. "Uh, it's been way longer than a minute." he said.

"Oh my God." The 1st Trooper grumbles. "Shouldn't we check and see if it's still alive? You hit it pretty hard." said the 2nd Trooper. "You just wanna see it." the 1st Trooper said. "Well, we should check and see if it's hurt. The last thing that you want is to give Gideon a bag and have him open it up and find whatever is dead..." the 2nd Trooper said. "Okay. Okay, look." The 1st Trooper said and he opens the bag, revealing the Child.

"Here you go. See? Take a peek. Everything's fine." said the 1st Trooper said and his partner looks at the Child then starts poking the little guy. "What is that?" he asked. "I don't know. It's a pet or something." said the 1st Trooper said. "A pet? I thought you--" the 2nd Trooper said and the Child bites his finger.

"OW!" he yelps, shaking his hand then turns back and punches the Child, hard. "Serves you right." the 1st Trooper said when IG-11 approaches. "Stop that." the droid said and the Troopers draw their blasters.

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