Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

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"Hand over the Child, Mando." A hunter, Riot Mar, ordered as he chases after the Razer Crest in his own fighter. He fires at the ship, continually, until one of the blaster hits the Razer Crest's engine. "I might let you live." Riot said as Mando tries to steer the ship away but Riot was alittle too fast.

The other engine was hit and it bursts into flames and starts to go out. "Din." (Y/n) said, worriedly. "Hold on." he said then he rolls the ship but Riot was still on their tail. "Come on!" Mando mutters. "I can bring you in warm...or I can bring you in cold." Riot said.

At that moment, Mando hits the brakes, hard, and the fighter overshoots, ending up in the Razer Crest's crosshairs. "That's my line." Mando growls then he shoots the fighter down.

"Losing fuel." (Y/n) informs him as she looks over the damage of the ship. Mando tries some switches as the ship loses power then he turns on the emergency power. Mando powers the ship back up and the engines come on again.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five. Over." an operator said through the speakers. "Copy that. Locked in for three-five." Mando said and he takes the ship towards Tatooine then settles in the bay of Mos Eisley Tower.

Meanwhile, (y/n) made her way into the lower section of the ship, rocking the Child to sleep. The little one's eyes kept opening and closing slowly as he looks up at her. That is until she started to hum a lullaby her mother used to sing to her when she was small.

The Child begins to yawn and he closes his eyes as she continued to hum the lullaby. Finally, he falls asleep and (y/n)'s lips twitched into a smirk as she looks at the now sleeping child in her arms. Then she starts thinking about how her parents felt when they used to hold her with warmth and love in their arms and eyes.

She frowns a bit as the happy memories she had filled her mind. She sighs then shakes her head, pushing them away,  before she goes into a room and places him inside of it. 

She smiles, fondly, at the little one then turns around to see Mando standing a few feet behind her. "What were you humming?" Mando asked her, curiously. "Oh, just an old lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was a kid." (Y/n) said.
"Thought it would help him sleep." She said as she nods towards the Child.

Under his helmet, Mando smiles at this before he nods at her. "Well, you ready?" He asked her and she nods. The two start to walk out of the ship when three DUM-series pit droids start to approach. Mando pulls out his blaster and fires at them and they pop down with a screech.

"Hey! HEY!!!" A woman, with frizzy hair, yells as she runs out of her office. "You damage one of my droids, you pay for it." She said. "Just keep them away from my ship." Mando said as he and (y/n) walk out of the ship. "Yeah? You think that's a good idea, do ya?" she asked and Mando just looks at her while (y/n) shrugs.

"Let's look at your ship." The woman, Peli, said then she knocks on the hull and hears things rattle and klonk inside. "Oof...Look at that. Oh, you got a lot of carbon scoring building up top. Ya...If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in a shootout. Special tool for that one. Oh ya, I'm gonna have to rotate that...You got a fuel leak?! Look at that, this is a mess! How did you even land? That's gonna set you back." She complained as she looks over the Razer Crest.

"We've got 500 Imperial Credits each between us." (Y/n) said to her. "That's all you got?" Peli asked, shocked, and the two hunters nod. "Well..." Peli said then she turns to the pit droids. "...what do you guys think? That should at least cover the hangar." She said. "We'll get you your money." Mando tells her. "Hmm...I've heard that before." Peli said, not believing him.

"Just remember--"

"Ya. No droids. I heard ya. You don't have to say it twice." Peli said, interrupting Mando. The two hunters walk away and she watches them leave. "Jeez. Womp rats." She mutters.

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