Chapter 11: The Heiress

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The damaged Razor Crest slowly limps its way towards the blue moon, Trask, which was past a large, green planet, Kol Iben. The engines flickered and the back ramp hangs open, bouncing up and down as it drifts through space. Inside the cockpit, the Child is dozing in a chair, the Frog Lady is gripping tightly to her canister of eggs as she snores, and Din and (y/n) had fallen asleep as well, both slumped in their own chair.

An alarm begins beeping, signifying the arrival to Trask, and the two hunters quickly wake up, and look at the alert on the navigational screen on the control console. The Child rubs his eyes and coos, as the Frog Lady wakes up as well. "Looks like we made it. Get ready for landing." Din informed them.

As they approach the estuary moon, Din flicks a few switches and presses a few buttons. Something seems not to be working, and he hits the control console in frustration. "Dank farrik!" Din growls. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked him. "The landing array isn’t responding. Without the guidance system, it’ll be a manual re-entry. It might get a little choppy." Din said and (y/n) gives a worried look towards him.

The Child whimpers as Din continues pressing and switching things. "Once we’re through the atmosphere, there should be just enough fuel to slow us down." Din said. "If we don’t burn to a crisp." (Y/n) grumbles then Din angles the ship upwards as it begins entering Trask’s atmosphere, falling at an increasingly fast pace.

The bottom of the ship begins to heat rapidly, and soon bursts into flames. Alarms blare in the cockpit, and Din hurriedly adjusts some things around it then he turns to (y/n). "I need your hands!" he tells her and (y/n) nods. "Okay, what do you need me to do?" She asked. "This lever needs to stay back and keep it steady." He tells her.

(Y/n) nods and grabs the lever, pulls it back and holds it. "Here we go." he said and the ship gains more momentum, burning and zooming into the atmosphere even further. The Frog Lady latches on her egg canister and holds it, tightly.

On the surface of the docks of Trask, specifically the one where the Razer Crest is intending on landing, a Mon Calamari dock worker looks up to the burning hunk of metal in the sky in great annoyance. The Razor Crest is nearly upon the docks now, and finally Trask Flight Control wires in. 

"Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol." The Trask Flight Control said over the comm. "I’m trying my best here. Engage reverse thrusters. Brace!" Din said and he pulls another lever, and the landing sequence begins. He is able to gain a bit more control of his ship, with begins to slow down as it approaches the landing dock. 

"Hold on." Din tells everyone. Metal pieces fly off of the Razor Crest as it grows ever closer, still travelling far too fast. "Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed." the Flight Control tells him but Din ignores them. "Almost there, almost there." he said. "Razor Crest, do you copy? Razor Crest, you’re coming in too fast, you have to re-" Flight control said but Din shuts the comm off as red lights flash on the landing pad below him, and he positions his ship through the navigational computer to line up with the dock.

He quickly brakes, and is able to slow his ship down enough to unsteadily land on the dock. He slowly lowers himself down to touch the ground, as the Mon Calamari dock worker continues to look on in sheer annoyance. "Here we go. Nice and easy." Din said.

The landing computer is lining up, but before the Razor Crest is able to touch the ground, the right engine sputters and part of it blows up, causing the ship to fall over and topple into the water, making a great splash. The Mon Calamari dock worker shakes his head in disapproval. 

Later, a large crane lifts up the Razor Crest out of the bay, slowly. In the cockpit, the passengers shift around as the crane lifts them up. Covered in seaweed, and water draining out from practically everywhere, the ship is very slowly lowered onto the dock, where it finally settles with a metallic clang, as water pours out of the engines. 

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