Chapter 7: The Reckoning

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(Y/n) was rocking the Child to sleep in her arms as the Razer Crest continued on its travel through space. Mando looks over at them and smirks as he sees the Child sleeping in her arms.

But the moment is short lived as a hologram message pops up. The two hunters look over and see that it is Greef Karga.  "My friend, if you are receiving this transmission that means you are alive. You might be surprised to hear this but I am alive too. I guess we can call it even. A lot has happened since we last saw each other." Greef said and the two hunters share a look.

"The man who hired you two is still here, and his ranks of ex-Imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city, which has impeded the livelihood of the Guild. We consider him an enemy but we cannot get close enough to take him out. If you and your partner would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while. You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters. But they will not stop until they have their prize." He continued but (y/n) could feel that something was off about this.

"So here is my proposition: Return to Nevarro, bring the Child as bait. I will arrange an exchange and provide loyal Guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you two kill him, and all of us get what we want. If you succeed, you and your partner keep the Child and I will have both of your names cleared with the Guild, for a man of honor should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism." Greef finished and the message finished then Mando turns to (y/n).

"I've got a bad feeling about this, Din." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, me too." He said as (y/n) looks down at the Child. "But...if we don't do something...they'll keep coming..." Mando said and (y/n) frowns then let's out a sigh. "We're gonna need backup." She said and he nods. "Agreed." He said and he turns back to the main dashboard and sets a course. Then the ship jumps into hyperspace.

Minutes later, they arrive in Sorgan and Mando lands the ship in a clearing. Then the two hunters, after setting the Child in the carrier, head out.

In the common house, Cara Dune was in a laser tethered boxing match against a male Zabrak. They trade blows until she was able to knock him out and the crowd cheers. "Pay up, mudscuffers! Come on." Cara said and the patrons began paying her. "That's mine, thank you. Thank you." She said as Mando and (y/n) walk in.

"Looking for some work?" Mando asked her and she smiles at them then gestures towards a table.

Sometime later, after getting some spotchka, Mando and (y/n) begins to explain their plan. "It seems like a straightforward operation. They're providing the plan and firepower, (y/n) and I are the snare." Mando said. "With the kid?" Cara asked. "That's why we're coming to you." (y/n) said. "I don't know. I've been advised to lay low. If anybody runs my chain code I'll rot in a cell for the rest of my life." Cara explains.

"I thought you were a veteran." (Y/n) said, questioning, as the Zabrak boxer comes up and drops some coins on the table. "Come back soon." Cara said to him, sweetly, and the Zabrak walks away. Cara turns back to the hunters and said. "I've been a lot things since, most of them carry a life sentence. If I so much as book passage on a ship registered to the New Republic I'm--"

"We have a ship. We can bring you there and back with a handsome reward. You can live free of worry." (Y/n) said. "I'm already free of worry. And I'm not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting some local warlord." Car said as she picks up her cup.

"He's not a local warlord. He's Imperial." Mando said and Cara stops and looks at him then she starts to smile, slowly. "I'm in." she said and takes a sip of her drink.

"Does your contact need to vet me?" Cara asked the hunters as they sit in the cockpit of the ship, as it traveled through space. "Doesn't know you're coming." Mando said. "Really? That can be a problem." Cara said. "It won't. But if it is, that's his problem." (y/n) said and her and Mando leave the cockpit and Cara follows them.

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