Chapter 15: The Believer

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At the Karthon Chop Fields, the prisoners were working on all of the large scrap metals that surrounded them when a guard droid comes up to one of them. "Inmate three-four-six-six-seven." The droid said as he goes up to Mayfeld, who doesn't respond.

"Inmate three-four-six-six-seven." The droid said and Mayfeld groans. "What? What?" Mayfeld asked, annoyed, as he turns to the droid, raising the goggles to his forehead. "Inmate three-four-six-six-seven, descend and receive new instructions." The droid said and Mayfeld puts down his drill, climbs down and walks towards the droid.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" He asked as he gestures at the scrap pile behind him. "Inmate three-four-six-six-seven, please salute Marshal Dune." The droid said and Mayfeld looks over and sees Cara walking up to him.

"I remand prisoner number three-four-six-six-seven to my custody." Cara said to the droid. "Affirmative." The droid said to her before turning to Mayfeld.

"Inmate three-four-six-six-seven, please follow Marshal Dune to transport." He said and Cara turns and walks off.

"Somebody gonna tell me what's going on?" Mayfeld asked the droid. "Let's go! I've got a job for you." Cara said as she continues to walk. Then the ankle restraint on Mayfeld's leg comes off and he looks down at it, shocked. "Inmate three-four-six-six-seven, please follow Marshal Dune." The droid ordered but Mayfeld doesn't move.

"Wait, where is she takin' me?" He asked. "Inmate three-four-six-six-seven, you have three seconds to comply with your new directive." The droid threatens as he holds up his baton, which starts to electrify. "Okay! All right, all right." Mayfeld said, jumping back, then he goes to follow Cara.

"Hey! You gonna tell me where you're takin' me?" Mayfeld asked Cara as he catches up with her but she doesn't answer. "Hello? I mean, it's a common courtesy, a common courtesy to tell somebody where it is that you're takin' 'em. I don't think that's so hard to ask, do you?" Mayfeld said as they come up to the Slave I and Fennec and Fett, now with his armor buffed out and cleaned, walk out of the ship.

Mayfeld stopped for a second once he saw the two then let out a sigh of relief. "Oh. You know, for a second, I thought you two were this other couple." He said with a smile of relief just as Din and (y/n) walk out of the ship.

He looks up and his smile fades once he sees them. "Mayfeld." Din greets once he and (y/n) walk up to him. "Hey, Mando. Long time." Mayfeld said as he smiles, nervously. "What, you and your friend came here to kill me?" Mayfeld asked him.

"All you need to know is I bent a lot of rules to bring you along." Cara said. "Why am I so lucky?" Mayfeld asked her. "Because you're Imperial." She replied. "Hey, that was a long time ago, all right?" Mayfeld said. "But you still know your Imperial clearances and protocols, don't you?" (Y/n) asked him. Mayfeld looks at them, shocked, just as the group turns and heads into the ship, he soon follows suit.

"We need coordinates for Moff Gideon's cruiser." Din informs Mayfeld once they get seated inside the ship. "Moff Gideon?" Mayfeld asked before he scoffs. "Yeah, forget it. Just take me back to the scrapyard. I'm not doin' that." Mayfeld said and Cara rolls her eyes. "They have their kid." Cara said as she nods towards Din and (y/n).

"The little green guy?" Mayfeld asked, taken aback. "Yeah. The little green guy." Cara confirms. "So...I help you guys get him back, you guys let me go?" Mayfeld asked as he looks between Din, (y/n) and Cara. "That's not how this works." Cara said.

"Well, then what's in it for me?" Mayfeld asked. "You get a better view." Cara said and Mayfeld sighs as he thinks for a moment. "All right, but here's the thing. I can't get those coordinates unless I have access to an internal Imperial terminal. I believe there's one on Morak." He said.

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