Chapter Eight

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Hi babes xx So I cried writting this, and it's just sad! Look out for the next update, it will probably be tonight because I cannot stop (: I love you, stay beautiful xx <3

Read my other stories! 

"I was once a normal girl'" (Niall Horan)

"They don't know about us" (Louis Tomlinsn)

"Truly Madly Deeply" (All) I am Sstill writing TMD (: 

Also check out my one shots! I am taking requests!(: Read/Vote/Comment/Fan and spread the word!


 2 weeks later!

                “Uncle Louis stop it!” I hear Jasmine whine from the kitchen while I make dinner for the four of us.  

                “Uncle Louis stop it!” Louis mocks my daughter causing her to laugh. I look up from the mixing bowl I am concentrated on to see Harry staring blankly at his phone.

                “Whatcha doing?” I ask setting the bowl down and sitting on the counter next to him.

                “Nothing,” He moves his phone away from me with speed.

                I can tell something has been bothering him the short weeks I’ve been here. I think it could have something to do with Louis being mad at him for not telling him about the ‘girl’ or it could be that Louis keeps begging to meet her. It’s like every time one of them walks into a room the other walks out. Even dinner is weird now. I sigh and pull Harry into a hug that he melts in easily.

                “It’s going to be okay,” I whisper into his curls as I feel him start to whimper.

                “Mommy look!” I hear a screech causing me to leave Harry and look up. Harry wipes his eyes quickly before looking up and laughing.

                Jasmine is on Louis shoulders pulling his hair up. She has paint on her hands, I hope he knows that. I feel Harry suddenly stiffen and then he looks over at me. I can see the tears building fast in his eyes and all I see is harry getting up and leaving the kitchen. Poor guy.

                “What is his problem lately?” Louis asks once the cost is clear. I promised to keep my mouth shut so I just shrug my shoulders.

                “Maybe you should go talk to him,”

                “I think I will, here Jassy help mommy,” Louis removes the dirty toddler from his shoulders and onto the counter where she craws over to me.

                “Let’s get you washed up,” I pull her from one counter and place her on another next to the sink.

                “Mommy where is daddy?” She asks the same question every day, and I never truly know the answer.

                “I don’t know baby,” I wipe the green paint from her fingers and kiss her forehead once it is clean.

                “I want to see daddy mommy,” Something in the little girl’s eyes tell me she is not going to give this up.

                “How about I call daddy and you can talk to him?” Her face lights up but I know mine drops when she nods.

                I pull my phone from the counter and click on the contact. He has called and texted me nonstop since the day I left, it’s like he thinks I can just going to com back after that, it’s not happening. The phone rings three times while Jasmine jumps up and down. I place the phone on speaker and put it and my daughter on the counter.

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