Epilogue </3

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This is it guys, I am like crying! I wish I could have made this story better/: I hope that you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I want to dedicate this last chapter to a very dedicated fan that I love xx and I want to know what you guys think so let me know! I will be attempting to write another story asap, I don't know which boy it will be based on though. Uhm, well here it is </3

2 years later.

                “Mommy tell Jason to stop!” I turn from my spot in front of the TV to see my son pulling my daughters hair.

                “Jason stop pulling your sisters hair,” I moan and hit play on the DVD player.

                “Honey I am home!” I hear Zayn fake burst through our front door making me happy.

                “Zayn!” I yell leaving the living room and finding him in the kitchen doorway.

                “I missed you,” I am pulled into a hug. I don’t won’t to ever let Zayn go but a kick to my stomach makes me.      

                “Tell me again why I let you get me pregnant a third time?” I cock an eyebrow in Zayn’s direction only to get returned with a kiss.

                “With twins!” He reminds me with a cheer. I roll my eyes and kiss the boy.

                “Daddy!” I hear Jason and Jasmine home running into the kitchen also and then Zayn is attacked with love from his children.

                “So everyone will be over in about an hour for movie night,” Zayn tells me and I nod. Soon he and his suitcase along with the two toddlers that love him so much are in the bedroom unpacking.

                I wobble my way to the kitchen and look through the fridge for something to eat. I rub my ninth month pregnant belly only to be kicked and punched again. I am due in a week and Zayn just got back from tour with the boys. You would think that after this long the boys would be less popular and we would be able to live our lives, but no. That’s to overrated. 

                “Hey babe look what I got for the babies,” Zayn was suddenly in the tiled kitchen with me holding up two baby outfits.

                “The twins will love those little outfits! They match!” I was at the point in my pregnancy where anything baby made me want to flip a lid. We are having a boy and a girl, with our luck.

                “I figured they would.” Zayn winked at me before heading off to the blue and pink painted nursery down the hall. Luckily our house is big enough for these two extra additions. I plan to not fix myself or Zayn because we believe, if you get pregnant you get pregnant, hence my third pregnancy.

                “Mommy!” I looked from behind the fridge to see my two year old son Jason running to me. His brown hair and brown eyes make him look like a great mixture between me and Zayn.

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now