Chapter three.

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I woke up at ten in the morning to the feeling of Jasmine bouncing on my bed. I rolled over on my back so I could see her. Her black ponytail had fallen out and her face was covered with sleep. I smiled sweetly at the little girl singing ‘Get up Mommy’ and wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my body.

                “Good morning mommy,” She told me her accent coming out. I may have lived in Bradford for most of my life, but I am complete American. Jasmine however had so much of Zayn’s accent and features, sometimes I feel he created her himself.

                “Do you want to go get breakfast?” I ask her and she nods her head. I moan as I have to get out of the warmth of my bed. I stretch until I am on my toes and hear my back crack as I lean back with a press to my lower back. I make the bed silently and pick Jassy up carrying her to her room.

                “What do you want to wear today?” I look through her dresser and she joins me picking out a pair of black leggings and a pink shirt that said ‘I love mommy’ on it. I know she cannot read, but the fact that she picked out this outfit made my heart flutter.

                “Mommy can Zayn come over today?” Jasmine asks me as I pull her shirt over her head.

                “Mommy is going out with Zayn later, and someone is going to come watch you.” I tell her and she smiles.

                “Am I going to get to play with Zayn?” her face is lit up and happy.

                “Not today pumpkin, but soon.” I lift her up and bring her to my room with me while I get ready. I set her on the bed and make my way to the walk in closet in my bedroom.

                “Hey mommy,” Jasmine calls me from her sitting place on my bed.

                “Yes baby?” I call back looking at the baby mirror in front of me.

                “I like Zayn.”

                “Me too.” I smile at her as I come out showing her my outfit. I am wearing a pair of light washed skinny jeans from Hollister and a beige sweater that reads ‘Beautiful’ in black a crossed the front. She nods her head in agreement so I place black TOMS on my feet and pull my long hair out of its bun leaving it to fall into curls. I run my hand through my hair a couples times so it doesn’t look bad and once I am happy with it I pick my daughter up and carry her out of the room.

                “Where do you want to get something to eat?” I ask Jasmine as I buckle her into the car seat sat behind the driver’s seat.     

                “I think Denny’s.” She tells me with a smile on her perfect face. I nod my head and kiss her cheek before going to my seat in the front of the car.

                “That was yummy Mommy!” Jasmine tells me after she is done with her chocolate chip waffles and her homemade hash browns.

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