Chapter Seven.

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Sorry to everyone loves loves Louis adn Eleanor, as much as I love them, I ship Larry, and larry is in my story. So welcome the new romance! (: Stay beautiful I love you xx

Read my other stories! 

"I was once a normal girl'" (Niall Horan)

"They don't know about us" (Louis Tomlinsn)

"Truly Madly Deeply" (all) I am still writing TMD (:

Also check out my one shots! I am taking requests!(: Read/Vote/Comment/Fan and spread the word!



“Mommy where are we?” Jasmine asks me in a sleep broken voice. I’m lying on the couch in our hotel room crying my eyes out.

“At a hotel baby,” I pick her up and cuddle her to my chest.

“I want daddy mommy,” She whimpers and it only breaks my heart more.

“I want daddy too honey.” I cradled her as close as my arms would let me. I didn’t want to let go of her because for some reason I felt like if I did she would leave me too.

Before I left Zayn’s last night/this morning while I wrote his note I took his phone and got the boys’ numbers out of it. I had become extremely close with Harry before they left to go come back to London so I thought he could help me. He told me he would be here at noon and right now it’s eleven thirty.

“Mommy I am hungry,” She complains.

“Uncle Harry is going to bring you some pancakes baby,” I kiss her head and she quiets down again focusing on the little TV in front of us.

I am completely numb. There is one other feeling in my body and that is the constant stab of a sharpened knife in my heart. The world around me is spinning like mad, and there is nothing I can do about it. My throat is in my stomach and my lungs have just stopped working all together. My legs are jello and my mouth hurts. My limbs hurt from the uncomfortable bed I slept on last night. My eyes are burning from all the tears, my rings are ringing. The worst part is my pounding head ache. It feels like there are a thousand pounds of weights on my head. But I still feel numb. I hear a knock at the door causing my daughter to jump from my arms.

“Is that daddy mommy?” Her eyes are full of hope and love but I shake my head standing up.

“It’s Uncle Harry baby,” I lean down and kiss her forehead again. Her eyes drop slightly but she is still happy to see her uncle Harry. I walk to the door slowly and open it. The first thing I feel are tight arms being wrapped around me.

“I am so sorry Cheyenne,” Harry coos in my ear. I can smell the McDonalds food from his hands but I ignore it and hug him back.

“It’s okay Harry it just sucks because I thought he was serious about us,” I tell him looking down over my shoulder at the hungry little girl reaching for her pancakes.

“Uncle Harreh!” Jasmine screams stomping her foot. He laughs shaking his curls and gives her the bag. She immediately runs off with it.

“And you are sure she isn’t Niall’s?” He jokes with me raising an eyebrow in the direction of Jasmine pigging out.

“I am one hundred and ten percent positive she is Zayn’s.” I tell him closing my door.

“Thanks for coming to visit me today.” I tell him shyly sitting on the couch he just shrugs and sits next to me.

“It’s the best I can do, Zayn is going mad by the way,”

“You talked to him?” When I hear his name leave Harry’s lips my heart drops.

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now