Chapter Six.

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    I will have chapter Seven up today somtime probably before noon (: I am about to write another One shot so Go look for it within the next couple of hours! this chapter is kind of Bipolar, and it is definitly the worse chapter I have written so far. Fan/Vote/Comment and spread the word! I love youxx stay beautiful xx         

Enjoy the random picture of me on the side!(: 

Two days later.

                Driving to the airport is more than painful. Knowing that I have to watch Zayn get on a plane and I have to watch my daughter cry breaks my heart. The trees pass my window and Jasmine mumbles things in the backseat and Zayn holds my free hand.

                “Everything is going to be okay,” Zayn tries to tell me but I don’t listen, what if everything is not okay.

                “I’m just sad is all,” I tell him with a very weak broken smile. I can tell that he knows I am hurt.

                “Daddy where are we going?” Jasmine asks kicking her small feet on the back of my seat.

                “We are going to the airport princess.” I can hear the crying in his voice. I know he is hurt, and that he is going to miss us. I just still haven’t made up my mind. What happens when he leaves on tour?

                Soon we are where we need to be and the other boys are already inside. All the fans go crazy as I get Jasmine out of the car and Zayn hooks his arm around me. I love his fans and I like to follow them on Tumblr and Twitter from his accounts, but I just wish that right now they would leave us alone. I have Zayn’s suitcase traveling behind me while he carries a confused and scared Jasmine. The last couple nights she’s been waking up to nightmares of Zayn leaving. Last night at three AM I had to call him to come over because she was so scared. Maybe he should have never gotten involved.

                “Goodbye baby girl, be good for mommy.” Zayn tells Jasmine as we stop where he has to go. I can see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes and I feel my own heartbreak as Jasmine whimpers.

                “Daddy don’t go!” She screams clinging to him. He hugs her back even tighter and I watch as the first tear slides quietly down his cheek and onto her black coat. It’s like he doesn’t care that everyone can hear her calling him daddy.

                “Baby daddy has to, I promise I will be back,” He is full on crying now making me cry. He kisses her forehead tightly and hands her to me. She fights to get back to him but I hold her back. It’s hard to keep a grip on the little girl.

                “I love you girls, bye.” Zayn tells us kissing her head once more and my lips. I see and hear all the fans taking pictures and screaming but I don’t care at this point.

                “Call me when you get home,” I wipe the stray tears from his eyes as Jasmine holds tight to my neck pushing herself into my shoulder.

                “I will, let me know if you decide,” With that Zayn walks away and there is no telling when he will be back.

                “Daddy!” Jasmine cries reaching for Zayn’s leaving figure. I just stood there with no motion. My crying daughter clung to me with her life as we watched her father get on an airplane.

                “We are going to get daddy,” I told her walking out of the airport. Jasmine just cried. She didn’t answer me when we got in the car. When we got home she went to her room and would not come out.

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now