Chapter nine.

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Hot Larry in this scene (; I love you all for reading xx Uhm going to my sisters, so Idk how much I will be able to update but I will try to as much as I can! My birthday is on the 24th *:

                “Mommy daddy is here!” Jasmine slipped on the tile floor thanks to her socks as she came running into the kitchen.

                “You okay babe?” I tried not to laugh at the shock written all over her face.

                “Yes mommy let’s go I want to see daddy!” She pulled me along into the living room. As she drug me to where Zayn would be I grabbed her pink duffle from the counter stool.

                “Daddy!” Jasmine yelled as she jumped on Zayn. She was so happy to see him, even though I just wanted to punch him in his face.

                “Hi baby,” Zayn’s voice had a special coo to it. He tickled her stomach causing her to bunch up against his chest.

                Seeing him is kind of heart broken. I mean what do you say to your ex-boyfriend, the love of your life, your best friend, the father of your child, when he cheated on you. The last two weeks have been hard on me, and even harder on Jasmine. But I hope seeing him is worth it. I watched without talking as he tickled her and joked around. His breath taking smile was showing and you could see his tongue between the sets of perfect teeth. His brown eyes were lite up as he played with his daughter, and his smooth soft hair was up in its normally perfect quiff. Every part of him broke me down a little more.

                “Where is Harry and Louis?” Zayn snapped me out of my thoughts. I licked my lips and cleared my throat fixing my grey sweater dress.

                “Louis is in his room a giant ball of mush and Harry is at Nialls.” I stand as straight as I can so that he doesn’t think I am hurt.

                “Why are they not together?”

                “Beats me,” I shrug.

                “Come on daddy let’s go!” Jasmine  screamed hitting his chest.

                “Okay princess, tell mommy bye.” HE handed Jassy to me who then kissed me on my cheek and gave me a big hug.

                “Bye baby mommy will see you tomorrow night,” I tell her stroking her black hair and handing her back to Zayn.

                “Well, bye.” Zayn was awkward to leave. I stood by the door and held it open leaning slightly against it as I watched them walk into the snow filled streets talking to each other.

                ‘Was that Harry?!” Louis scared me causing me to jump up. I turned to see him in the same clothes as yesterday. His hair a greasy mess pulled in every which direction. His face was swollen and you could see the dried up tears. His eyes were nearly dead but still red and puffy with tears in them. I shook my head with a frown.

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