Chapter One.

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                “Mommy!” I hear my daughter’s voice calling for me from behind a door. I smile to myself and sign her out of the daycare center.

                “Jasmine!” I yell back as I envelope her into a hug.

                “Mommy look what I made,” Jasmine’s brown eyes light up as she hands me a blue piece of construction paper.

                “Wow this is beautiful, mommy is going to hang this on the fridge when we get home.” I tell her and her face lights up even more.

                “Okay mommy let’s go I am hungry!” Jasmine tells me as I pull her coat over her arms.

                “Thank you Sandy bye!” I yell over my shoulder as Jasmine pulls me out of the door.

                “Where do you want to eat princess?” I ask buckling her purple car seat.

                “I think I want McDonalds.” She tells me in a Matter-Of-Fact voice.

                “Sounds good let’s go,” I tell her as I turn the brand new white Honda Fit on and pull out of the parking lot. It only takes a few short moments before Jasmine is telling me about how her day was as we pull up to her favorite place in the world.

                “Okay baby let’s go.” I pick up my beautiful daughter and lock my car before going into the fast-food place.

                “Mommy it’s our song!” Jasmine yells dancing in line waiting for someone to take our order. ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ is playing on the speakers as she sings along. I get lost in her little body moving and her amazing voice when I don’t even realize it’s our turn.

                “Miss,” The teenage boy behind the counter knocks me out of my thoughts.

                ‘Oh yes can I have a chicken nugget kids meal and a number ten please.” He nods his head and I pull out my wallet grabbing my card and handing it to him.

                “Mommy our part!” Jasmine screeches earning a few weird looks and I hear someone laughing at a table in the far back of the restaurant.  I ignore the rudeness of people around us and sing with my daughter.

                “So c-come on

You got it wrong

To prove I'm right I put it in a song

I don't know why

You're being shy

And turn away when I look into your eyes” We dance and sing to Zayn’s solo in the song that officially took all my chances with him away.                

                “Your order is up,” The same teenage boy hands me a tray with that I thank him and lead Jasmine to a table in front of a large window.

                “Mommy why are those boys laughing?” Jasmine asks me with sad eyes as she dips her chicken in ketchup.

                “Because they don’t know how to have fun,” I tell her. I don’t even look in the way of the boys but I feel their stares in the back of my head. I awkwardly play with Zayn’s promise ring that hangs around my neck on a chain and watch my daughter eat her food.

                Zayn’s POV

                “Louis shut up and eat!” Liam demands at Louis after he throws a chip at him. I laugh at my crazy friends and go back to my phone. I play with the promise ring that is slung over my neck and don’t pay attention.

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now