Chapter five.

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I dedicated this chapter to denise_ramos because she is awesome for commenting and all that.  

If you are lucky adn I stay up late there MIGHT be another chapter tonight, but defintily tomorrow sometime. Please keep doing everything you are doing!

The next day. Cheyenne’s POV.

                I cannot believe that he knows, how can I tell him? Why did I let him find out? I knew I should have moved the picture yesterday. Maybe I didn’t because I thought him finding out what a lot easier than telling him. He promised me he wouldn’t hurt us but he has to leave soon. What is going to happen when he leaves?

                “Mommy!” Jasmine tries catching my attention. I didn’t even realize that I was out of it.

                “Huh babe?” I smile at her to try and tell her I am paying attention.

                “Do I call Zayn Daddy?”  The question leaves me dumbfounded. Does she call him daddy now, or does she keep calling him Zayn? What does he want, that is what I should ask.

                “Whatever you want baby,” I kiss her forehead and go back to watching the movie that is playing in front of me.

                I’m not even aware of movie is on. I cannot tear my thoughts away from Zayn and him knowing. She’s two years old and he just wants to come in and be a father? It’s not he hasn’t been playing Daddy for the last few days, but now he really is her dad. What is he going to do? Is he going to keep her a secret or is he going to tell the world. I am drug from my thoughts when the doorbell rings very frantically. It’s nearly ten PM what in the world is someone doing here. Me being a mother become worried. ‘         

                “Go to your room sweetie,” I tell Jasmine setting her on the ground. She runs fast down the hallway and I get up slowly.

                The ringing does not stop no matter how slow I walk. I peer through the window and I cannot see anything because it is dark. I can see the outline of a body standing outside and he looks angry. I take deep breathes and try to walk a little faster. The hallway food is soon touching my socks and I am ready to open the door and I move my arm slowly to the metal handle. When I open the door I except the worst. BAM.

                Lips are on me moving, trying to get me to move back. I don’t know who the lips belong to but something in my body stirs and I start to kiss back. He pushes us back into the house and shuts the door. The kiss doesn’t break once, and that makes me better. The kiss has such passion and hunger in it. Soon I am slammed on a wall and the person still doesn’t stop kissing me. Then I remember my daughter in the other room and pull away.

                “Zayn?!” My eyes widen at the tall boy with flattened hair and a beanie on.

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