Chapter two.

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Hey My pretties! Sorry I did not update yesterday /: I know I am horrible! But I did update today and I plan to update everyday until I can no longer write! I hope you guys are enjoyign my stories :D Oh and Mid-Terms are coming up, I should study and I probably will, but then again I probablt wont.... Christmas break starts next wensday so get ready for lots of writing. PLEASE let me know what yo think about the story, if you don't like it I will stop writing it. Comment/Vote/Fan/ and spread the word!

                Two days later.

                “Mommy stop it!” Jasmine shouts as I blow on her stomach.

                “No,” I pull my head up and smile at my little girl lying on the black couch under her. Her black her all around her and her brown eyes with tears in them from laughing. I almost lose track of what I am doing but then I regain my brain and go back for her stomach.             

                “Mommy!” Jasmine yells but it’s not understandable from her laughter. The sound of her laugh makes my whole world seem okay for just a moment.

                “Okay okay Mommy will stop,” I hold my hands up in surrender and she sits up thankful I am done. She craws in my lap lets herself relax at my touch.

                “What movie do you want to watch?” I ask her flipping through Netflix on our small white WII.

                “Cinderella!” Jasmine tells me and I click play on the movie. I pull the green throw blanket from the back of the couch onto our bodies as we lay down.

                It’s about halfway through the movie and Jasmine is snoring lightly on my chest. I play with her silky hair and kiss her forehead. She may have been a mistake at first, but she is one beautiful mistake. I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world. I pull her from my chest and stand up carrying her to her room down the hall. It’s painted a light pink and has white fluffy carpet. Her bed is a white daybed that was once a crib with dark pink blankets and a pillow sitting up against a wall. Her toy boxes all dark pink and her dressers white. The window sits on the wall opposite of her bed. It’s set down low so she can see out of it and it’s a bigger window. The curtains are white and never are drawn to cover the window. I set her down in her small bed and pull the blanket over my sleeping angel. After I kiss her head I leave the room and leave the door cracked a little so that I can hear her if she needs me.

                Once I am in the kitchen and cleaning the dishes getting ready to make lunch for my daughter I head the doorbell. I set the soapy plate in the dish water and dry my hands with a red dishtowel sitting on the counter next to me. I glance out of the kitchen down the hallway and through the door. It’s a dark oak door and the middle of it is a window with a cool design making it almost impossible to see in the house from the outside. But outside that window right now stands an olive skinned boy with a tall black quiff and brown eyes. I suddenly panic when I realize that Zayn is outside my house. I look at myself in the oven that is in the wall. Dark holey jeans tucked into my black UGG boots and a white tank top with a grey cardigan over it. My hair is up in a bun with a black bowed headband holding strays back. I build up my strength and walk to the door.

                “Hello,” I say smiling when I open the door. I look at Zayn and my face drops, acting as if I didn’t know it was him at the door.

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now