Chapter Eleven.

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Hey my babes. I have horrid news for you.. This wiill be the last chapter. My writers block for this story is not getting any better at this point and I am annoyed with my brain. I will post the epilgue as soon as possible. I will be writing a new fanfiction soon that I hope you all will read /: It hurts me to have to end this story, but I just cannot anymore </3

                “Danielle look at how cute!” I held up a baby girl newborn outfit so my best friend could see it.

                “Awe, I cannot wait to find out what I am having,” Danielle rubbed her stomach that is still not showing, but bulged from weight gain.

                “I remember how happy I was when I was first pregnant with Jasmine, even though I was a tad nervous.” I rummage through the rack of clothing once more before pulling out a grey onesie.

                “That’s perfect,” I showed Danielle the onesie. It’s grey and white stripped with a blue elephant near the bottom.

                “Now to find you something,” I tell her as I hook the outfit to my arm. We made a deal that since we were both pregnant we would shop together and now like I did with Jasmine I am picking out one outfit that could be for either sex.

                “How about this?” Danielle holds up something pink.

                “If you have a son I am sure he would love that!” I half yelled causing us to get a few weird looks, and then people normal recognize us and don’t say anything.

                “He doesn’t have to wear it, plus I think I am having a girl.”

                “You a month pregnant Danielle, well when I was first pregnant I was set on the idea of Jasmine being a girl despite my father saying it was a boy.” I hold up a white outfit for her to look at.

                “That’s perfect. And I am telling you that this is a girl!” Danielle points to her stomach and I laugh.

                “When are the boys telling?” I ask as we make our way to the register to pay.

                “Tomorrow at their interview, Liam was telling me they are going on tour soon, so we are living together kay?” We hand our money over to the lady who just smiled and took it.

                “Are you kidding, Zayn didn’t say anything about a tour to me,” I picked up the blue baby bag that holds my purchase.

                “No need to worry, they only told Liam.” I nod my head at my best friend and push her body so we can turn to the coffee shop in the mall.

                “Danielle! Cheyenne!” I looked at Danielle when I heard our names being called and she gave me the look telling me to ignore it.

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