Chapter 10- Christmas Eve Toppat Party

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Reginald Pov

'Well yesterday was awkward. Right Hand Man kissed me! Some random girl has been roaming around the airship for almost two years. I'm just wondering how did she stay alive for that long without water or food. Well I guess she must've snuck in food and water when no one is around. Why haven't Ellie and Henry never told me this...? Do they not trust me or did she want it a secret...? Also how does she have these... powers? I wonder if we could use that for our advantage in the clan...' I guess I was in my thoughts for too long since I didn't know that Right Hand Man came through the door waving his hand in front of me. "Hellooo? Reginald? Earth to Reginald." I snap out of my thoughts and said "Oh hey Right Hand Man. You need something?" "Well I got this envelope from some girl and it's from her, Ellie, and Henry. She did have a top hat though, but I'm not sure if she belongs here. By any chance, do you know who she is?" I was about to say yes but Lavender said to keep it a secret. "Ummm... no."  "Are you lying to me Reginald?"  "No. I'm not. I swear."   "Reginald. Do you know the girl?" 'I'm sorry Lavender...'  "Fine, I do know her. Her name is Lavender. She has no parents and she knows Ellie and Henry. Also she somehow has been living in the airship for almost two years without anyone of the clan members, besides Ellie and Henry, finding out." "She has been inside the airship for almost two years?!" "Yup." "How did she survive?!" "I'm not sure but I assume that she was able to sneak food and drinks from the airship kitchen and brung it to wherever she was hiding at." "I guess that makes sense." "Maybe if any of us see her then try and catch her." "Maybe... but I ain't so sure about that." "It could work. Well... unless she has something up her sleeve..." "You might be right, but I'm not sure why the three(Lavender, Ellie, and Henry) of them gave us an envelope." "Well about the envelope... are you going to open it?" "Well I don't see why not." "Then open it!" "Alright" Right Hand Man opens the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper that was in there. He reads out loud on what the paper says. 

"To Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man

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"To Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man. You have been invited to the Christmas Eve party/dance (It's a party and dance. I just put the "/" cuz I didn't know if I wanted a dance or a party so I did both if I make any sense. Wait a minute... are a party and dance are the same...? Eh idk, I'll just look it up after the chapter is done), hosted at 8:00 P.M. on the airship cafeteria. Please dress your best! Sincerely, Lavender, Ellie, and Henry." "I guess we're invited to some sort of party/dance." "Yea I guess so" "I think we should probably get ready." "Well isn't it like 1:00 P.M. right now?" "Yea but isn't it better to get a head start then to procrastinate and wait till the last minute?" "I guess you got a point there."

Time skip & different Pov

Right Hand Man Pov

We're done getting dressed and it's about 6:30 P.M. and I was about to read a book to pass the time, Reginald asked me something. "Hey Right Hand Man?" "Yea?" "Can you teach me how to dance?" "Why do you want to learn how to dance?" "Well I don't know how to and I want to learn." "I guess I can teach you." "Yay!" "What type of dancing do you want to learn?" "Ummm... Can you teach me slow dancing?" "Alright then. Just follow my lead." I placed Reginald's around my next and I placed my hands around his waist. I started to dance and see if Reginald would go along with it. After a bit he started to go with it and got the hang of it. I stopped and took my hands of Reginald's waist as he took his hands of my neck. "Was that good?" "Yea. It was nice. I think I get the hang of it." "That's good." I walk over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book to pass the time.

Time skip

"We have to go, Reginald!" "One second." "Oh my god Reginald. What's taking you so long?" I walk over to the bathroom and I see Reginald switching between two different bow ties. "What do you think is better? This or this?" "This is what you have been doing for the past HOUR?!" "Yea?" "I don't have time for this- just- here!" I took of my bow tie and stuck it on him. "There. Let's get going" I said as I took one of the bow ties on the sink and stuck it on me. We head out of our bedroom and walk to the cafeteria in the airship. We get there after a bit and walk into there to see almost every single clan member in the airship. "Wow... they went all out for this." "Yea, they did." "Hey Reginald and Right Hand Man!" "Oh hey Sven and Burt." "Great party, isn't it?" "You could say that..." "Oh c'mon. It's amazing!" "Well yea. I'm just surprised that they were able to do all of this." "Well they did mention they had help from a mysterious person. I got a glimpse of that person just creating stuff out of thin air. I'm a bit skeptical of them but I try not to think of it too much." 'It must be that Lavender girl. If she can do that, then who know what she can do. She must have some sort of power or powers.' "Ummm... Right Hand Man? Are you ok?" "Yea. Just thinking of... something..." "Well, me and Burt are going to enjoy this party. See you guys!" "We'll see you too!" "Well that was nice." "I guess we should enjoy the party then." "Your right. Let's enjoy this while we can." We both head to the buffet table and grabbed some drinks off of there and just walked around for a bit. We bumped into Ellie and Henry and I see that girl behind them both. "Hey Reginald and Right Hand Man!" "Hello Ellie and Henry. How's it going you two?" "Nothing much besides rocking to this sick party!" "Well I got to admit it is pretty sick(not sick as in like: being ill, I mean sick as in like: cool. If that would make sense)." "I can see that you and Reginald are dating now." "We're not dating!" "Then explain why you guys are holding hands." I look down and I see that our hand are intertwined. I looked at Reginald and both of our faces flushed red.  "Just because we're holding hands doesn't mean we're dating. Also, who is the girl behind you both?" "Oh! Her? Ummm...-she's just visiting!" "Sure... visiting..." I could tell that both Henry and Ellie were nervous about it but I pretended that I didn't know her. "So... what's her name?" I asked. "Well... her name is... umm... Flora!" "May I see her?" "Umm.. she's shy so I don't think she wouldn't want to." "Alright then..." "Well, it was nice talking to you. I guess we'll see you around." "You too."

Time skip to after the party

"That was an amazing party!" Reginald said joyfully. "Yea it was, but I feel like Ellie and Henry don't trust us since they hid this secret from us." "You might be right. I don't think that they know that I found out about Lavender." "Yea. I guess that they still think that no one knows, besides them, about her." "Well we can confront them tomorrow. I want to get some sleep. I'm exhausted from the party." "Okay then"  We both get changed and got into bed. "Good night Reggie" "Good night Righty"

It's Christmas Eve!(well... where is live it's Christmas Eve)  Enjoy my trash since I'm tired from helping my family members make food and other stuff.  

Have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomanz! 💜

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