Chapter 9- Day before Christmas Eve

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Reginald Pov

I feel an arm around my waist along with another on my back. I felt something warm on my body and as I looked up to see what the warm substance was I was greeted by a sleeping Right Hand Man with his face partly nuzzled against my hair. Not gonna lie, I did feel nice- 'Reginald! What are you thinking?! He won't like you back.'  I tried to take Right Hand Man's arm off my waist but failed doing so. 'I guess we'll be like this for a bit'  My eyes started to close slowly and I started to fall back asleep... well I would've but our alarm clock started beep. Well I guess it's 8:00 A.M. now. Right Hand Man stirs(I think I spelt it correctly but I ain't sure since I'm not a good speller)awake and I pretended that I just woke up. I looked up at and he looked at me as our eyes locked to one another. "Umm... how did you sleep?" I said. "I slept fine. What about you?" "I slept fine as well." "Well that's good. I'm glad you did since I guess that nightmare had scared you pretty badly." "Yea I guess..." Then fell silence. "Hey Righty?" "Hm?" "Can you take your arms off of me?" "Yea. Sorry about that." "No worries." Right Hand Man takes his arms off of me and I slide of the bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower and then get dressed. I got out of the bathroom and then Right Hand Man walks in the bathroom. He comes out and then says he'll be back soon. He left for a few minutes but then came back with two boxes filled with Christmas decorations. He placed the boxes on the ground and asked "Would you like to help decorate the airship for Christmas with me, Henry, and Ellie?" "Sure! But wait. How I help if one of my arms is in a cast and I have to be on bedrest?" "With the bedrest part, you can walk but not too much so I'll carry you and for the cast thing... I don't know what to do about that so you'll have to figure that out for yourself." "Fine then. Let's get decorating!" "Ok then" Right Hand Man walked over to me and carried me out to the hallway to where the other bedrooms that our clan member sleep in(just imagine a hallway with some doors that lead to rooms.  There are other hallways like that in other parts of the airship).  Right Hand Man brings the boxes out to the hallway and took some tinsel out and hung it up with a bit of double sided tape(Idk what tinsel is used for since I don't own any and I haven't searched up anything of it). I grabbed some tinsel as well and tried to hang some but struggled a bit since I'm pretty short. "You need some help Reginald?" "Maybe" I feel arms around my waist and I'm lifted off the ground. "Is that better?" "Well I wasn't expecting this!" "What were you expecting then?" "I dunno. Maybe like a ladder or something to step on." "Well this is better than that." "Hey! Did you guys already started decorating without us!" Ellie shouts as both Henry and Ellie walking through the hallway as they headed towards us. "Oh hey Ellie and Henry!" "Hey love birds~". Ellie said. "We're not love birds!" I said back. "Sure. That's what they all say." "Were not love birds and will never be." My heart sank a bit when saying that but I'm not even sure Right Hand Man would have feelings back for me. "You didn't have to be so snappy with me" "Let's just start decorating, Ellie" Henry says.

A time skip later...

I'm just sitting on the bed eating some Pocky that I stole before the incident happened. I'm still surprised that no one even found it. I guess I hide thing pretty well or... our clan members are just dumb. Right Hand Man comes through the door and sat next to me. "Where did you get Pocky from?" "It was in my drawer." "How did you even get it?" "I stole it before the whole kidnapping incident happened." It became a bit silent for a few minutes until Right Hand Man spoke up. "Hey Reginald" "Hm?" "Can I have some Pocky?" "Mhm!" I was gonna hand him the box but lifted my chin up and his face getting closer to me. I could feel his breath and his lips connected with mine. 'Is Right Hand Man kissing me?! Am I dreaming?! This cannot be real!' As he kissed me I swore that I heard a click of a camera but I might be imagining things. I did hear the snap of Pocky so I guess Right Hand Man broke it apart while he was kissing me. We break the kiss and it was pure silence for a minute. "Thanks" Right Hand Man said as he got off the bed and walked out. I'm just sitting here in pure shock of what happened. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice coming from the bathroom. The voice didn't sound so familiar but I opened the door and to my surprise it wasn't what I was expecting. "Ummm... hello?" "Huh? Wait who are you?!" "My name is Reginald. Reginald Copperbottom. I'm the leader of the Top Hat Clan." "Oh, well my names Lavender (yes it meh. Idk why I put myself in dis story but just go with the flow I guess.)" 'Lavender... why does that name sound so familiar...?'  I see that she's wearing mostly purple with black gloves and wearing a top hat. 'I guess she is part of the clan'. She also has some sort of hooded cape on her she also has a purple mask on(stay safe and wear your masks) and one of her eyes is covered by her hair. "Why is most of your features covered?" I questioned the girl. "Well it's for personal reasons." Lavender answered. "Oh... ok then. Well Lavender, what are you doing here? Do you have any parents?" "Actually no. I'm not even part of this clan. I joined without anyone knowing and somehow got away with it for almost two years. The top hat was given to me and I just dyed it along with decorating it just... ya know... feels personal. With me being here, I teleported myself in this room without you guys knowing and when I did that you guys were kissing so I might or might've not taken a picture of that to show Ellie and Henry." "I'm not sure how you can teleport but- wait a minute how do you know Ellie and Henry?" "I've knew them for awhile now. Also Ellie told me that you like Right Hand Man." "She told you what?! I swear to god when I see Ellie again I will kill her." "Good luck with that.  Also I would like to keep this a secret ok?" "Alright I'll keep this a secret." "Well I guess I should head out now so I can warn Ellie of you going to kill her, sooo... Peace!" And like that she disappeared out of thin air.

Sorry for no chapter yesterday.  I was writing the chapter but when I finished it I felt like it wasn't good enough so I deleted it and I was a bit burned out from homework and I just left it and decided to continue the next morning.  This is how the chapter ended up so I hope you guys like it.  Thanks for reading my trash and have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomanz! 💜

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