Chapter 6- Finding Reginald & Ellie

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Reginald Pov

I was just about to start sleeping when I heard the doorway of some sort open and closed then the footsteps coming closer towards me. I got a bit nervous but tried to stay somewhat calm. "I'm back~" Terrance said with a bit of joy in his voice. I didn't know if he got what he wanted or was gonna have some fun with me just like he said earlier when he left. "I sadly didn't get what I wanted since your Right Hand Man never gave me a clear answer. I guess it's time for some fun." He says. 'Well I guess that answers my question.' I think a minute or two passed and I didn't know what was going one until he started to punch me in the stomach pretty hard. Soon he started to punch me in different parts of my body multiple times until he felt like he needed to stop. After what felt like endless punches to my body he stopped. I started to feel tears running down my face as he grabbed me by my shirt a threw me at a wall. I winced at pain and I heard the footsteps of Terrance coming near me then a sharp object went through my skin. Tears rolling faster and faster down my face as the sharp object pierced through my skin in different spot all over my body. I could tell that Terrance was done with the blade of some sort and then grabbed me by my shirt again and threw me against the wall. "Ok I'm done with this. If your not gone by tomorrow then I can get to do this again" Terrance snickered as I sat there in the corner of the room whimpering. 

'Where are you Right Hand Man...? I need you...'

Terrace Pov

'That was fun. I hope I get to do it again tomorrow. Now let's check up on Ellie(if you're wondering how he knew, that's because he saw the name tag that's on her shirt)'  I climbed out of the hidden room and head to where I kept Ellie. I reach to the room and see Ellie sleeping against the wall still tied up, blindfolded, and taped up. I decided to shake her so she can get up but before I did that I took the tape off of her mouth so she can speak when see wakes up. Once I  done that, I shook her rapidly and slowly she started to wake up. "Hello?" Ellie said in a groggy voice. "Hello Ellie" I said back. "Terrance. Is that you?" "Yea. Who else would it be?" "Maybe Right Hand Man or Henry." "Eh. You ain't wrong there." "Why did you even wake me up anyways?" "Well I just came up to check on you and see if you had escaped by now." "Well I didn't escape so there's one of your answers and if I were to escape, I wouldn't have left Reginald with you." "Well you do make a point there, but you would risk both you and Reginald getting killed if you escaped but then came back to save him." "How would you kill me if I brung Right Hand Man and Henry?" "Well I assume you wouldn't bring them so that's why it would be easier to kill you both." "Well what would you do if I came back with Right Hand Man and Henry?" "I would flee this building and I would take Reginald to a new hideaway with me." "You have two hideouts?!" "Yes I do. What's so wrong with that?" "Well most people only have one but you're like on some 1,000 IQ among us plan." "Wait. I just realized... Why am I having this friendly conversation with a person I kidnapped?!?" "Well I'm not sure! Did you need anything from me?" "Actually no." "Well there was no point at waking me from my peaceful nap." "I guess you're partly right." "Well I'm always right." "I guess I can let you keep on napping for now." "Thanks." I let Ellie take her nap and I started to get my roll of tape then taped her mouth. I did that and went outside to get some fresh air. 'I hope they don't find me here.'  I was just sitting in silence until I heard a very faint voice in the distance which sound like "Hey Henry! I think I see something over here! It's looks like a house with... I think a person or some sort of creature next to it." I think it sounded like that but I wasn't sure. I didn't want to take any chances so I got up as fast as I can and boosted through the back door. I got a knife and a gun from the kitchen along with a my trusty frying plan. I went into the living room and I decided that I should check up on Reginald quickly before they come. I went down into the secret room and saw that Reginald was unconscious with some blood stains along parts of his body. I went over to him and smacked his head hard with my frying pan and rushed out of the small sound proof room and now went into the living room. I got to the front door and locked it along with locking the back door and locking all the windows that could be locked. Once that was all done, I got everything prepared and waited until they came. I did have a back up plan but it would only be in use if I can't defeat Right Hand Man and Henry I would just head to my second hideaway. I heard a knock at the door and a voice saying "Is anyone here?" I stayed silent. I heard the doorknob turning as they were trying to unlock the door as then the door just disintegrated and standing right in front of the door frame was Right Hand Man and Henry.

Right Hand Man Pov

I blasted the door with my laser eye and what stood in front of the door frame was... Terrance Suave. Rage filled through my body as I saw him in the house standing there with a smug look on his face. "Well, well, well... look who we have here." Terrance said. "Cut the crap Terrance! Where's Reginald and Ellie!" I screamed. "Oh them? They're just fine." "That not true! I bet you did something to them!" Henry yelled as he joined the conversation. "If you want them, then you'll have to fight me for them!" "Alright you're on!" Terrance grabbed a gun from his hoodie pocket and held it in his hand. Henry also pulled out a gun. I turned my right hand into a sword. "Let's fight" I say. Terrace tried to shoot me but missed his shot. Henry took his shot with the gun but Terrance dodged it along with dodging my sword attack.  It wasn't long until we got a good hit on Terrance. Terrance fell to the ground as he was shot in his leg by Henry. To finish him off I used my laser eye and aiming it at him. I shot the laser towards him and there he is now. Laying on the ground with most of his body burnt to a crisp. We soon looked around the house searching for Reginald and Ellie. We found Ellie in the living room tied up with a blindfold and tape on her. She looked conscious which surprised me because I thought Terrance would've done something with her(not that I wanted her to be hurt or even worse). I picked her up and carried her over my shoulder. We started to look for Reginald but he was nowhere to be found in the small home. "I'll look outside. If I find him I will let you know as soon as possible." Henry says as he heads to the back door(as well as trying to unlock it even though the front door is opened). "Alright" I say while still searching through the house again.

I've been searching for what felt like an eternity, I did find something that I didn't see the first and second time when searching the house. It looked like some sort of hatch or door opening to a part of the house I haven't seen yet. I placed Ellie on the floor next to the opening and I opened the hatch slowly just Incase if there's any traps. Luckily there was none, except for the ladder that's against a wall of the room(at least I think it's one). I just jumped down and landed on my butt even though it didn't concern me. As I got up, the first thing I saw was Reginald all beaten up. I also saw that he was tied up with a blindfold and tape over his mouth just like Ellie. Well... minus the blood and the unconsciousness, but still, I carried Reginald over my shoulder and got out of the room even though his blood was getting on my clothes, we get out of the room and I ran outside to find Henry. I see Henry still searching until I yelled "I found Reginald!" Henry turned around to see me with Reginald carried over my shoulder. "We should get medical help for Reginald!" I say partly out of breath from running and the weight over my shoulder. "We should" Henry said while running towards the house. We both run inside and I lead Henry to where I left Ellie before I found Reginald. "You carry Ellie and I'll be carrying Reginald" I say. "Alright" Henry replied. We both start to head towards one of the helicopters we stole earlier. Thankfully Terrance didn't find it or we might have been in a bit of a bad situation. We get in and Henry started to fly to the airship and as for me, I'm sitting in the back with Ellie and Reginald on either side of me.

'I hope you're ok Reginald...'

Sooo.... my phone may or may not have died while I was in the middle of typing this chapter for the story so I'm sorry for this chapter coming out late.  As I said earlier, thank you guys for reading my trash and for this getting #1 in #henrystickmin!  I also failed to mention that I'm on my winter break so ya. I guess I'll see you tomorrow!  Have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomanz! 💜

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