Chapter 12- 5 years later...

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Right Hand Man Pov

It's been 5 years since Reginald and I have been dating. Today is our anniversary and I decided that I would propose to him with a ring that I stole from a jewelry store at night without him knowing. I've already told Reginald to meet me at an abandoned place so I hope he comes.

Ten minutes had passed and I started to worry because I thought something happened to him but that went away when I see him wondering around an abandoned house. "Over here!" I shouted. He turned around and ran towards me. He gave me a hug and I hugged back. "Why did you want me to come here?" Reginald asked. "Well..." I took the ring from my back pocket and got on one knee. "Reginald... you make me the happiest man when I'm with you. You are the best boyfriend that I could've asked for and would be the best husband if you're willing to marry me. So Reginald Copperbottom... will you marry me?" 'Please say yes-'  "Yes!" Reginald said exclaimed happily with tears in his eyes. I take the ring out of the box and put it on Reginald's finger. I lifted his chin and kissed him. I wish the kissed could've lasted forever but for us humans, we have to breath. And though I'm part cyborg, I still have humans parts and I have lung so I would still need to breathe. We break the kiss and then Reginald hugged me and I hugged back. "I guess we're engaged now, aren't we?" Reginald said. "I guess so." I answered. "How are we going to tell Ellie and Henry?" "I'm not sure, but I know when they're sure gonna to be excited." "They'll sure be." "Maybe we should head back to the airship." "Yea we should before every clan member panic about us being missing. I'll carry you." I carry Reginald bridal style and flew towards the airship.

We get to the airship and opened the hatch to get in. Once we get in Reginald asked "Do you want to tell Ellie and Henry now?" "If you want to then we'll tell them." "I think we should tell them now." "Alright then." I got out my phone and texted Henry.


   Henry Stickmin    

Rhm: Hey Henry. Where are you and Ellie at?

Henry: We're both in the meeting room talking about random stuff. Why do you want to know?

Rhm: Reginald and I have some important news

Henry: What is it?

Rhm: I can't say it through text. It would be better in person

Henry: Okay then. I'll tell Ellie that you guys are coming here

Rhm: Alright


"Ok so Henry and Ellie are in the meeting room so let's head there." I told Reginald. "Alright" Reginald replied. We started to walk to the meeting room.

We got there and opened the door and we see Henry and Ellie spinning around on the chairs that have wheels(idk what they're really called). *Fake cough* Henry and Ellie instantly stopped and looked at both of us. "Uhhh... You saw nothing!" Ellie said. "Mhm..." "Well... you said you had some important news for us. What is it anyways?" Henry asked curiously. "Well..." I said as I put an arm around Reginald's shoulder. "...We're getting married!" Reginald said as he brung his hand from behind his back which had the engagement ring on it. "Oh my god! Now way! Hold on, I need to do something!" Ellie said as she bolted out the door. "I wonder where she's going." I say while turning to Henry. "Me too, but Right Hand Man?" Henry asked. "Yes?" "May I be your best man at the wedding?" "You may be my best man but you have to not do any funny business. This is the Boss and his Right Hand Man's wedding you're dealing with." "I know, I know. I'll make sure no funny business is being done when planning and during the wedding." "Hey what about me? Do I get a best man?" Reginald asked like a whiny child who wants something but doesn't get it. "Well you're the bride of this wedding so you'll need a maid of honor." Henry said. "Then who'll be my maid of honor?" "Maybe Ellie could be your maid of honor." "I guess so. I'll have to ask Ellie about it though-" "Attention all top hat members. Reginald and Right Hand Man are engaged and will be getting married. We need to plan the best wedding for them. I'm not sure who the best man and the maid of honor for the wedding but I'll announce it when I find out." Ellie announces through the speaker. "Ummm... I guess that was why she was headed out the meeting room in such a hurry." "Yep" "Well I guess we should get Ellie so Reginald can ask Ellie about being his maid of honor and you being my best man." "Well let's find her then." The three of us walk out of the meeting room and we see Ellie running towards us. "Hey Ellie!" "Hey you guys" Ellie panted.  "I guess all that running has made you tired." "Yea" "I think Reginald has something to ask you." "What is it then?" "Well... Ellie, would you like to be my maid of honor?" "Yes! I would be honored! I need to get back to the speaker!" "Hold you horses Ellie. I think we should walk there instead of you running off and possibly fainting." "Fine. Anyways who is the best man of the wedding?" "I'm the best man for the wedding." "Alright then. We need to plan the best the best top hat wedding ever!" "What's the plan then?" "I was thinking about..."

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