Chapter 5-"W-who are you...?"

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Ellie Pov

I wake up to my head hurting a lot and I couldn't see. I tried to look around but it's pointless if you can't see anything. I started to hear footsteps coming closer and closer and then they stopped. "I see you have awoken." The person says. I tried to say something but I couldn't say anything since there is stupid tape over my mouth. "I see that you can't talk. Here, let me handle that." the person says as they took off the tape from my mouth. "What do you want with me!" I shouted. "Oh. Well it's simple. You weren't needed but since you were in the same room as my target you had to become bait for this plan." "Bait!" "Yes, you are bait. What's so wrong about being the bait?" "I don't want to be bait and I don't even want to be part of you dumb plan!" "Well next time don't be in the same room as the person who I need to kidnap!" 'The same room? Oh no... Reginald!' "What did you do with him!" I snarled. "With who?~" the voice said innocently. "With Reginald!" "Oh Him?" "Well... he's safe in the hands of me." "Yea right!"  It was silent for a bit until he said "Well if you got nothing else to say then I will check on Reginald now, but first." I hear a sound which sounded like they were getting some tape to keep me shut. The footsteps came closer to me and then they stuck the tape over my mouth. "Ok now ta ta, I have to check on Reginald now."

Time skip & now different Pov

Reginald Pov

'Ow... my head hurts. Huh... I can't see! Where in gods name am I?!?!?'  I tried to get up but I couldn't. My legs and arms are tied up. Great. Maybe I could yell for help but all it came out was a muffled yell. I started to here footsteps getting closer and then the sound of a door or some sort of one opened. I could a small thud and then a voice.  A very familiar voice. "I see that you have awoken. Reginald Copperbottom" the familiar voice says. 'How does this person know my name?'  I tried speaking but since this thing(most likely tape) is covering my mouth it prevents me from saying anything. "I see that you aren't able to speak. Let me take this tape of your mouth." "Who are you" I say. "Well you can call me... Terrace" 'Terrace. Oh no. The clan! I need to get out of here!'   "What do you want from me!" "Well I'm gonna use you as a victim to my little plan I have with you." "What plan!" "Well it's non of your business!" "At least tell me what you are going to do will me!" "Well, I'm gonna have some fun with you..." 'Fun. I don't like the sound of that.'  "Also don't mind the blindfold on you. And don't even try to call(or yell) for help. These walls are sound proof."  Terrance says.  'Oh yea, I forgot about the blindfold.  Maybe I should ask him to take it off, or should I not? Eh, it's worth a shot.'  "Hey Terrance?" I asked. "What do you want?" He answered. "Can you take this blindfold off of me please?" "I guess I can but beware, the brightness in the room might hurt your eyes bit." Once he took the blindfold off of me I started to slowly open my eyes and he was a right a bit. My eyes kind of hurt but it wasn't too bad. After a minute or so I started to gain my focus and the first thing I saw was Terrance looking over me. "So?" He asked. "Thanks I guess." I replied. "Well see what you can see since I will be putting the blindfold back on you. Alright?" "Alright then." I looked around the room and there wasn't much. Just a table and chair in the corner, Terrance is in front of me, seated on the ground now while looking at his phone. 'Oh wait. My phone!'  I soon realized that I never took it with me and it's in mine and Right Hand Man's rooms. 'Dang it!' I just looked around the room and there was nothing else. After a bit I heard Terrance say "I'm gonna have to blindfold you now since I have to go meet up with someone and when I come back I'm going to have some fun with you..."  'Welp it was nice while it lasted.'  Terrace grabbed the blindfold and wrapped it around my head.  'Now I can't see again.'  "Oh and one more thing." I heard tape being peeled and the footsteps coming closer to me and with that, tape covered over my mouth again.

Right Hand Man Pov

We reach to 21 Oak Street and now we wait. "Well... what do you think they have planned?" Henry questioned. "Well I'm not sure but I would assume it wouldn't be something pleasant" I answered. "I guess you're right then." "In the mean time, you rather: Be human or be full robotic?"(to avoid minor confusion, Henry asked the question) "I would be full robotic since I would have full robotic powers and I can be able to protect Reginald better." "Alright then" "Hey look I see someone over there!" "Where?" "Over there!" I point. The figure comes closer and since it's like the middle of the night, we can't see the persons face. It does look like they are hooded with a cape around them.  We ran closer to the figure and when we got close we stopped.  "I see you came..." the figure says. "What did you do with Reginald and Ellie!" I snarled. "Woah woah! Don't get too mad. I haven't done much to both of them yet." "Yea right!" Henry said with anger in his voice. "I'm positively sure! I didn't do nothing yet!" "Key word: Yet" "Well I would like to propose a deal" "What's the deal then?" "I will hand over Reginald and Ellie for me becoming the top hat clan leader again." 'Again... what does he mean by again?'   "Terrance!" I yelled. " ....  I guess you found out who I am." "I swear to god I will kill you Terrance!" "Well if you want to kill me then try and find me!" Then Terrance used a smoke bomb and we couldn't see through the thick walls of dark smoke and when it cleared up he was no longer here. "I think we should start looking for Reginald and Ellie" Henry say. "Yea. I think we should."

Hello.  I'm very surprised that you guys are reading my trash but I appreciate it.  I never thought I would've been doing this but you never know what the future brings.  Also I realized that I spelt "Toppat Clan" wrong. I spell it "Top Hat Clan" instead of "Toppat Clan" but I'm too lazy to go through the chapters to correct it.  Uhhhh... I don't have much more to say besides have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomanz! 💜

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