Chapter 7- Recovery

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Reginald Pov

'Ugh... my head...' I groaned as I got up to see very bright light in my face blinding me. As I regained my focus I was trying to think of what happened before I became unconscious. 'Terrance... he kidnapped me... then he hurt me... where am I now...?'   I looked around the room I was in and it appeared I was in hospital. I tried to turn over but I whimpered in pain as I tried to do so. I also noticed that there were bandages all over me and along with a... cast?!?! I guess I somehow broke my arm when I was kidnapped. I just decided to lay in the hospital bed as I waited for some sort of medical professional to come check up on me.

Le time skip

I'm not sure how long I've been waiting for but I soon see a doctor with one of our medical top hats, so I guess I'm in the airship again and in one of the medical rooms. "Oh I see you are awake boss" the doctor says. I just nod since my throat hurts and feels like sandpaper has been shoved down inside of there. "Alright. We have cleaned up all wounds and scars that you had along with all the blood you bled.  Also I'm not sure how this happened, but you broke your left arm so I recommend that you don't do anything stupid along with staying on bedrest for at least 2 weeks."  "Alright doctor. But before you leave, who brought me here?" I said though my voice pretty hoarse. "Well your Right Hand Man did. Well he's waiting for you to wake up so if you want, would you like me to let him in?" "Yes. That would be nice" The doctor left and Right Hand Man came through the door. "Reginald?" "Right Hand Man?" Right Hand Man walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Thank goodness you're ok!" "Yea.. me too" "Would you like a glass of water?" "Mhm" "Alright then. I'll be back" Right Hand Man walked out of the room and I just sat in the hospital bed. 'I guess I'll be in bed for 2 weeks along with this dumb cast on my arm.'   Right Hand Man comes back with a glass of water in hand and gave it to me. "Thanks" I say as I chugged the water like I was dying of thirst in the desert. "Your welcome" Right Hand Man says. I finished the cup of water and handed it to Right Hand Man for him to put back. He takes it and left the room again. He came back a sat in the chair next to me. It was silent, but it was comfortable silence.

Right Hand Man Pov

It was silent for a few minutes until Reginald spoke up. "Hey Right Hand Man?" "Yes?" "Do you know what time it is?" I checked my phone and it was around 6:00 P.M. "It's almost 1:00 P.M." I tell him. "Wait what!? How long was I unconscious for?!" "I'd say about a few hours or so." "Oh... I thought I was out for like a week." "Well you weren't so I guess that good." "I guess you're right." And fell again silence.

Time skip

A bit of more silence passed by until we saw one of the doctors come through the door with a clipboard in hand. "Alright so, Reginald is able to leave but he would be on bedrest for at least 2 weeks and don't do anything stupid with the cast on your arm." "Alright then." Reginald say. "You may leave now." the doctor says as he walked out the door. "Sooo... should we start heading out?" Reginald says. "Yea I think we should" I say as I got up from the chair. I see Reginald was struggling to get up so to speed things up a bit I picked up Reginald and carried him bridal style out of the room and to our room.

We gotten to the room and placed Reginald on the bed. "Thanks Right Hand Man." Reginald said. "No problem. It's what I do for you. Help you when you are in need." I replied with a smile on my face. "Well, what do we do now?" "I dunno, what would you like to do while in bed." "I guess I'll have something to eat since I haven't had anything to eat ever since Terrance kidnapped me" "What would you like to eat then?" "Well I guess chicken nuggies would be good and along with some orange juice." "Heh. Nuggies." "Hey! Don't don't make fun of me about calling them chicken nuggies. It ain't my fault that I call them that." "I wasn't making fun of you for it. It just sounded funny." "Well it's not funny" I poured. "Yea yea. I'll get your 'nuggies', alright?" "Fine" I start walking out of the room and heading to the kitchen in the airship.

Reginald Pov

Right Hand Man walks out of the room and I'm left alone for a while. 'Well I guess I'll have to be in bed for 2 weeks. What should I do I in the mean time?'  I thought. I see that my top hats are on the nightstand to my left, so I grabbed then and placed them on my head. I could tell that they have been washed because they had a lavender scent to it. I guess I have to wait for Right Hand Man to come back with my nuggies(idk why I even thought of that) and orange juice.

Few minutes passed and I see Right Hand Man walking through the door with a tray(I have no idea if they are called that cuz I dumb. Well.. I think they are called breakfast trays but I'm going on what I know) in hand. He placed the tray on my lap and I began to eat. "I see that you have your top hats on." "Mhm" "Well I guess I should tell you this now before I forget, you should change into more comfortable clothes." I finish my meal(food I guess) and handed the tray to Right Hand Man for him to take it back. He took it and left the room again. When he left I got up despite some pain going through my body I got some clothes for me to change into and went to the bathroom to change. I come back out of the room and I headed the bed and just laid there. Right Hand Man came back with a large bowl of popcorn in hand. "Hey. What the popcorn for?" "Oh, well I thought it would be nice to have a movie night since you can't do much in bed." "It's like the afternoon and we're having a movie night" "Fine then. I guess we're having a movie marathon. Better?" "I guess so" "Well let's get watching then" "Alright" Right Hand Man gets on the bed and sits next to me. He got on Netflix and asked "What movie would you like to watch?" (Yea I should probably mention that I don't have Netflix, so if anything is wrong then you may correct me. Alright?) "Can we watch Snow White please Righty" I asked childly. "Alright. We can watch Snow White- Wait, did you call my Righty?" I soon realized that I used his nickname and I felt heat rising up on my cheeks. "M-maybe?" I said sheepishly. "It's alright if you did. I guess I can call Reggie for your nickname" "Can we just watch the darn movie Righty" "Yea yea. I'll get on that... Reggie" Right Hand Man puts on the movie and we started to watch it.

We were about halfway through the movie and while I was munching on some popcorn, I put my hand into the large bowl to grab some more but I felt another hand brush against mine. I looked at Righty and he looked at me. "Oh. Sorry about that." I apologized quickly while talking my hand out of the bowl. "It's fine. I don't mind at all." He replied. Well that was... awkward. We carried on with the movie and when it finished, we moved on to the next.  After a few movies later, my eyes got more sleepier and I started to doze of into my sleep. 

Yay! Another trash chapter!  As of writing this chapter I'm in the mall waiting for my food to come and I sad cuz I wanted to eat chick-fa-lay but it closed.  If you don't believe me then I got proof

  If you don't believe me then I got proof

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See you tomorrow!  Have a good day/afternoon/ night my fellow hoomanz! 💜

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