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Ok so... I wasn't sure if I should put this in chapter 3 but if you wanted to see what happened when Henry took Right Hand Man out of the meeting room then here.

Henry Pov

"Hey what are you doing Henry?!" Right Hand Man exclaimed at me. "Well since Ellie and Reginald are fighting I decided to take this opportunity to ask you something that has been on my mind for awhile." I said as I finished dragging him and now standing face to face. "Alright, what it is then?" "Well... Do you like Reginald? It's ok if you don't feel comfortable with this question but I would at least like a somewhat clear answer to my question since I see you flirt with him sometimes and when you and Reginald hangout, you seem more... uhhh... how do I say this... uhhhh... more happy? I guess." "Well.." *sigh* "I do.  I wasn't really sure if you noticed but I do like him. Well I would say love since I just like every this about him.  He sweet, caring, and would put the clan first before himself, just like how I would put Reginald's safety before my own safety.  I would do anything to keep him safe, even if my life is at stake, but I'm just not sure if he would have the same feelings back for me." I could see that his eyes started to water a bit so I decided to confort him before he might break down or something like that. "Hey there. Don't cry. Everything is alright. I know that you think that he may not like you but deep down, I know he has the same feelings for you." I say as I try my best at comforting him. "I know. But I kind of wish that he would just... I don't know... confess to him and tell him my feelings without it being too awkward." Right Hand Man says while trying to wipe his tears with his sleeve. I was thinking of a way to have them confess without making it awkward or dull(and basic) until I came up with a plan on how I might be able to do it, but I would need a bit of preparation... "I think I have a plan." I say as Right Hand Man turned towards me and questioned "A plan?" "Yep a plan." I say while whispering the plan to him. A few minutes later we started to talk about some random stuff like Christmas decorating, what's better: Pizza or hamburgers, and even though about going all out and having a Christmas party(on Christmas obviously) with the whole entire clan. We were talking until we heard a yell and a loud thud coming from the meeting room. "Hey did you hear that?" Right Hand Man said with a bit of worry in his voice. "Do you think we should check on both of them?" I said. "Yea I think we should." he said while standing up. I started to stand up and started to run at the door of the meeting room. I tried to open it but it was locked. "Dang it! It's locked!" I say as I see that Right Hand Man turned his robotic hand into an axe and axed the door down. 'Welp. There goes one of our doors' I say in my head while going through the door frame into the meeting room. Right Hand Man and I looked around the room and saw no one in there. "Reginald? Ellie?" He shouted. I noticed that there is a note on the ground and picked it up and showed him. "Hey look. I found this note on the ground" "What does it say?" We look at the note and it says "Meet me at 21st Oak Street(Idk if it's a real street, if so tell meh pls) tonight at 12:00 A.M. Be on time or you may not see your precious Reginald and Ellie again... -T" "T? Who's T?" I say very confused on why he just wrote his first initial. Probably for privacy reasons and so we wouldn't know who they are. "Well I don't know who T is, but I think we should go at 12:00 A.M. because if we don't we may not be able to see Reginald and/or Ellie again, just like the note says even if it's a bluff." Right Hand Man suggests. "I guess we should, but we need to prepare since we don't know what kind of weapons or armory they have with them." I tell him. "Alright then, but don't tell any of the clan members about this. We don't want every clan member to panic." "Alrighty." I say to him as we prepare for midnight.

Time skip to 12:00 A.M.

"Okay. It's time, we should start going." Right Hand Man says. "Let's get going then..." I say back. And here we are. Heading to 21st Oak Street.

Ok, I know this isn't a chapter but I wrote this for chapter 3 but I wanted to have a cliffhanger so it could kinda lead into for the next chapter/ maybe be a mysterious chapter so ya.  I also forgot to ask you guys if you want me to change the cover so if you want me to I will do it.

Here is what it looks like:

Have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomans! 💜

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Have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomans! 💜

Top Hat Love- Copperright (Henry Stickmin)Where stories live. Discover now