A Warm Welcome and Happy Holidays.

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Greetings mes amours,

I am back after a long awaited break, and I am here with wonderful news: Vegas will be rewritten as Belle de Soir. I'm super excited to start this writing journey, and interact with you all again.

As expected, the plot for Belle de Soir will be more mature with more darker elements. All characters (except a few) have different names, and I will no longer use Harry's name for "attention." He is merely a face claim that fits the role.

Here's some things that also have changed:
- The prince's fiancé's personality
- No more plotholes and missing characters (thank goodness)
- Vegas' missing family now makes an appearance
- The progression of the main characters' romance

Belle de Soir will be updated on Fridays, including Christmas Day. Please be sure to leave your comments, votes and messages on the prologue. I always love to read everyone's interactions.

Thank you for all the support on this book, Vegas. It almost has half a million reads, and I am extremely grateful for the love you've shown to me. I hope you enjoy the new read. :)

- Moon.

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