r o y a l r i d i c u l e

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a/n: above are the outfits harry will wear. the suit should be for the first part, and the other should be for the second part of the chapter. happy reading - dani xo

c h a p t e r e l e v e n

Attached, clenching for time to spend with her. He wished that all the troubles of his world would fade, leaving behind the dwindling and misleading memories. His hands could not remove themselves from her when they got the chance, and as pleasing as this was to the female counterpart, she wondered about his well-being. His visits varied from the sudden instances during the night hours for the hold of her frame, to the peaking of morning, waiting for her arrival to her office for the last week.

She wondered if something was about, curious for his lost eyes, the thoughts hidden in the irises within. The colors of dark emerald reflecting his emotions, a shade she has not seen before.

It was not anger that she detected, but fear instead.

. . .

h a r r y ' s p o v

There was a still air within between us; one full of ecstasy and soundless turbulence that could not be acted upon. The winter sun that irradiating the kitchen's window peaked across her glowing mocha skin, the texture sweet and intricate to the touch of my fingers.

Our foreheads rested against one another's, while the harmonic movement of our lungs inhaling and exhaling the small dust particles that dashed the air. The silence was comforting, and being here with her was worthy of nothing but the finest gold and diamonds.

My torso stood in-between her parted legs, my sweatshirt clothing her upper half nearly two sizes too big. Her hips held up shorts, plenty of skin showing for my hands to roam across.

Speaking could ruin the moment, but with the right words, things could proceed as usual.

"Vegas.." I mumbled, but clear enough for her to hear.

Her low eyelids, behind the frame of her spectacles, pushed back to peer up at me. The chocolate irises glance back and forth at my eyes, awaiting for me to continue.

"You are so beautiful.." The truth parted from my lips, moving closer to the rim of her ear. She twitched, her fingers digging deeper into my shirtless skin.

"H-Harry.." She replied, the innocence oscillating around her articulation of my name.

I did not give her time to reflect on the compliment; my hand curved around her digits, aiding in the leap from the high countertop she was sitting on.

When her bare feet pattered to the tile, I traverse to the cabinet to search for the green tea that I familiarized myself with over the last week of visiting her.

The name always seemed to charm me, and it was shocking how she bought the tea only for the cheerful, and rather odd brand.

Teapigs..my fingers wrapped around the box, bringing it down to the glossy wood top. The scent was soothing, and when she surprisingly slid the mugs in my direction with a soften smile, I couldn't help but flourish in the mood.

"You brought this tea for the name, eh?"

"Yeah," She chuckled, "I did."

"That's adorable," I poured the water from the faucet into the kettle, settling it down on the open fire she lit with the oven's knob.

The look of my clothes on her was satisfying, knowing that she was giving in to the emotion she feels towards me.

Two feet away from her, I leaned against the edge of the counter. Her attention was concentrated on the string, her fingers digging into the patterned knit. Unconsciously, the bridge of her frames slid down to her nose at a gradual pace until she realized. Her manicured nails scooted the glass to its normal place.

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