s w e e t i n t e r v e n t i o n

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a/n: above is vegas and harry's outfits along with the bookstore from the outside. happy reading. - dani xo

c h a p t e r f i v e 

To: Vegas Blacke, Junior Editor

Ms. Blacke,

I've heard of your hospital trip, and I hope you will feel better soon.

Because of this, I will grant you the day off to fully recover and expect you to be back at work tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your work so far concerning Mr. Styles,

Niall Horan

In my dedicated years working under the Horan Publications, I am hardly 'granted' a free day for personal issues.

Mr. Horan is a stickler about being to work on time, and consistently, so behaviors like this are rare for him to conduct. Because this is the case, I would not dare to object on any circumstance.

The hospital visit only lasted a few days, the doctor saying I will have to steer clear away from peanuts and invest in buying more than one epipen. I could of sworn there was one in my apartment, but by the time everything happened, there was no time to tell the frantic Harry to find it.


A lump in my throat shortened my breath to a minimal effect, and the warmness of his gestures at the hospital were replayed. The roses were dashed with his apologies, along with the oversized card that found its way into my bedroom as a reminder of his kindness.

He stayed for the first two days, then visited every few hours during his 'busy' day in London. Surprisingly, his conversations were a great pastime since the television shows were pure garbage.

I discovered that his parents live here in London, but they are strictly under the royal court. Along with other startling facts about his sister, Gemma, he shared that his singing talent is only known by his shower walls and me, and that he listens to Coldplay repeatedly in his spare time as the Duke of Holmes Chapel.

I told myself that I would not memorize things about him, but obviously as I recite them in my head, I've given up on that ideal.

Nevertheless, he is now considered a normal human being for coming to my rescue during a critical incident in my life.

To help occupy my free day, Ashton suggested that I browse the local bookstore that was recently constructed. It replaced the abandon children's toy store, and by the looks of it from the window, everyone seems to find it an appropriate replacement.

After purchasing my daily cappuccino from Urban Decaf, my palms clamped to the sides of the plastic cup warming my shivering body even under the layers of clothing I've worn.

I was a few steps away from the book store, Foyles, the wind of the cold, brisk October day nearly blowing my knitted beanie off my temples.

Inside of the warm atmosphere, there was a crowd of people scattered across the avenues and aisles, fingers used as a tool to locate their next purchase. It was a hushed air, no one speaking, and if they were forced to, it must of been a quiet whisper.

A faint smile boarded my lips, and with a sip of my coffee, I camouflaged myself in the midst of the books.

My chosen section was that of romantic fiction, near the bar style study counter. The window in front of it provided a glorious scene of the outdoors, a perfect subtle light glossing the area.

With the nail of my finger, I perused the extensive collection. A few titles stuck out, but not enough for me to actually pick up the book from the shelf.

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