p o s s i b l e p r o m o t i o n s

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a/n: above is the lovely Rose Concencion who plays Vegas Blacke within the novel - dani xo

c h a p t e r o n e 

Thai food. I have never been a fan of its authentic flavors and spices that can hiss at the tongue, but since Liam insists on me finally trying it, I decided to entertain his notion. He recommended Kuay Teow Moo Daeng, or Red Pork Noodle Soup that he calls favorite. The methods of eating the dish was through chop sticks, which I'm actually not too bad at using, only because of my often consumption of Asian cuisine most nights.

Between the two narrow shaped wood sticks designed with carvings and different colors, the noodles were lifted to the entrance of my lips, a small blow of air emptying to cool down the freshly prepared delivery food.

Surrounding me, Liam sat, eyes tentatively watching me to either confirm he was right about enforcing this or damp his hope on convincing me to ditch Asian food for a while.

"Come on, V," He fussed, a few lines appearing between his eyebrows to indicate his edgy attitude. "Eat the food already."

"I'm only teasing," With that, I slurped up the noodles. I was surprised by the flavors that were bursting against my taste buds, but of course, I won't tell Liam just yet. For entertainment purposes.

"Well, how about it? Is it good?"

"It's alright," I waved my hand in the air, shrugging. "What's this place called?"

"V, this food is amazing. I know you are bloody joking," Liam ignored my question, stiffening his expression. When he doesn't get the answer he approves of, his face turns into a grumpy avenue of attitude and anger.

This was too much fun, not to continue. The sensation you get when you see his face is something that can never be replaced.

"Liam, for the first time ever, you are wrong," I touched his hand, which he quickly snatched away while frowning, turning my straight face to a simple giggle. "I'm kidding, Li. It's good."

He rolled his eyes, slurping more of his own Kuay Teow Moo Daeng. "I hate you."

Immediately, I drew my hands to grasp my chest for dramatic effect. "Liam James Payne," The chair I scooted closer to him around the circular table squeaked and screeched until we were shoulder to shoulder. "You can not hate your best friend."

He continued to slurp, keeping his eyelids low.

"Liam James Payne, stop this right now," I playfully ordered, poking his cheeks to enforce a smile to tug at this mouth.

Soon, within seconds, his dimpled grin appeared.

"There it is!" My hands fastened to his torso, embracing his light cologne of Marc Jacobs.

"You are lucky I love you, Vegas Adele Blacke,"

"Ew, stop," A familiar voice cut in, causing us to draw our attention to the incoming figure from the entrance of the break room.

Aleczandra, followed by Elise, filed to find their seats adjacent from Liam and I.

"Don't be jealous, Aleczandra," I taunted, narrowing my orbs in her direction. "At least Liam actually wants to be around me."

At Horan Publications, there are several occupations that must be filled. Editors, a major asset to the company, contribute a large amount of work. Liam, Elise, Aleczandra, and I were all hired at the same time for that position, four years ago. Despite the long period of time, I remember my interview as if it was yesterday.

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