f o o l s f o r l o v e

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a/n: hello! thank you for the amazing support and feedback on the last chapter! ive decided not to include outfits this time because i would like you all to see the location, which is above, and get away from doing that and strengthen my writing where I don't need to show pictures? i don't know really. anywho, i hope you enjoy this chapter. hopefully, it will be longer than usual! i think ill stay in third person for a while. it's fun! happy reading - dani xo

c h a p t e r t w e n t y f o u r

Gemma's solemn afternoon in her lofty hotel room was shelter and entertainment enough. Those lonely, but transforming years in America did pay off. Her favorite television show was premiering in England, and she planned her entire weekend to be spent in front of the flat screen, with no shame.

"This quality better not be rubbish," Gemma snorted, her palms scooping an unreasonable size of kettle corn into her mouth to consume. Her digits applied pressure to the remote's channel button to pursue until her show colored the screen in full focus.

A chime, a rather annoying, triggering sound, alarmed Gemma into ignoring the distraction. The tone tortured her eardrums, and within seconds, she had given up for her fingers to wrap around the device and bring it to the shell of her ear.

"Hello? Whoever this is, it better be good," She berated, her jaw clenching while in the process of chewing.

"Gemma, is that any way to talk to your aunt?" Aunt Marie's tone alerted Gemma to rush the consumption, and swallow the food to the pit of her stomach. Without choking that is.

"Aunt Marie! I didn't look at the caller ID," She apologized, "I'm sorry."

"I'm only teasing you. Are you doing anything specific today?" She asked, dismissing a posh giggle into the line.

"No, not that the moment," The lie flowed from her lips like poison. She couldn't tell her what she was really doing; she would never hear the end of her scolding concerning her unhealthy habits. In Gemma's line of knowledge, there isn't anything odd about her obsession to the television. Her new friend, Vegas, would surely agree.

"That's great. Why don't you come to the palace for a little girl time?" Aunt Marie implored. There was a slight leak of background feedback, but Gemma assumed nothing of it. "Before you say no, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity for you and Harry to recover. Wouldn't you agree?"

Her less than charming relationship with her brother, Harry, was not the topic of conversation between them. She would rather worry about his undying love for Vegas, and not fuss over the past. She missed her brother, without a doubt, but in due time, they would reconnect like old times. Gemma was one for patience, and its virtues.

"Well, I'll come for the girl time," She replied to her impartial request, straightening her posture to slid off the comforting couch. "Harry and I will be back to normal. When the time is right."

"If you insist, Gemma," Aunt Marie tensed, a prolonged sigh reclined into the speaker. Gemma could not stand the muffled sound, but she passed off the intolerance. "Come over soon."

Their goodbyes settled the invitation, and ultimately ruining Gemma's plans. No foul done, she thought, maybe I could invite Vegas along.

She contacted her friend, hearing an unsettling amount of excitement that escalated through the speaker.

"Things must be amazing between you and your boyfriend then," Gemma returned the iPhone to her ear after removing it for Vegas' loud screeching. "I'll pick you up in an hour?"

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