b u s i n e s s a f f a i r s

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a/n: above is what they are wearing, and the image of how Vegas' office would appear to be if I described it as I desired. happy reading! - dani xo

c h a p t e r n i n e 

Up to this point, I was sure that my mental stability was in tact. I could not be more sure of it, to be completely candid.

I deemed Harry to be among the people I should avoid, careful not to entice them with the wrong ideas of where our relationship might end up. He was a strange figure, and I should have filed a restraining order against him.

Somehow, I ended up participating in a lip locking tribute and competition, inviting him to actually stay after we ate most of the Asian food he purchased. Telling by that information and the display of my actions, I should be clinically insane.

To push the thought further, the kiss was enjoyable. I felt mutual to his gestures. He found the perfect moment, shutting me up from my bickering rampage, and secured his lips' texture to my own. The way his hands cupped my face, the large size nearly swallowing my cheeks hold within them.

I thought of this, even after he left my apartment, and the memory of the kiss would not allow me to gain any sleep. Within the whittle hours of the night, I tossed and turned, the dream of Harry and I actually becoming a couple bothering me.

I have yet to understand why he would settle with me, but I do not condone in judging others based on their decisions.

Coffee was the only possible method I use to stay up, the dark circles under my eyes could prove a valid piece of evidence.

The foundation I use couldn't cover up every detail; my concealer failed with hiding them, and eventually I admitted defeat to the look.

On my usual venture to the office, I stopped by the inviting bakery near Liam's apartment. The elderly woman recognized me automatically, and offered to give me a cup of coffee on the house.

The atmosphere was able to fill a broken soul with goodness, and warm your heart with a freshly baked pastry. I couldn't take something free from the delightful woman, Pam, but I couldn't exactly leave her with a firm no.

Much like Harry, she was persistent.

The trip from the parking garage to the elevator was purely embarrassing. Many wandering eyes, such as the cop occupying the booth, couldn't break away from the stupendous nut-brown paper bag, carrying the food that Pam supplied me with against my will.

I scoffed at their stares, the eyes burning against my skin while I waited for the elevator to arrive at the ground floor. As soon as the metal doors split, my boots dashed to find a position in the center of the tile inside, pressing the fifteenth level.

The music that was played was beyond vexing; closing my ears could not cover up the hideous sound of the facetious chords of the piano in the background.

I was close to heaving up my empty stomach, metaphorically speaking, when I reached the level that was nearly clear.

Normally, the office does not fill with bustling bodies at the time I'm due at work, giving me the pleasure of having a few moments to myself before everyone bombards me with issues.

I hummed my selective tone of the day, Cut Off by Mushsinah, the lyrics simply slipping mind.

My keys jiggled as I retreated from my tote, but as I applied pressure to the door, it was already unlocked. I kneaded my eyebrows together, confused and startled that something could of been compromised in my office.

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