s t a t e o f a l a r m

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a/n: hello! surprise chapter! :) i am eager to begin the next book, and write the ending for this one, so i wanted to kick start on writing! hope this chapter is enjoyable for you all. have a beautiful rest of your day and happy reading, dani xo.

c h a p t e r t w e n t y e i g h t

The peak of the morning Switzerland sun crept through the crack of the folded curtains to the tangled mess of legs and toes. Sheets tossed under their resting bodies, conforming to the mattress beneath them. His arm was lazily hung over her bare shoulder, mouth open with rugged snores departing from it. Her ear pressed to his inked chest using his steady heart rate to whisk the need to wake out of her system. She didn't want to remove herself from him and his embrace. It was full of warmth, and absence from it would only bring her addiction to him closer.

Her eyelids divided, fluttering to adjust under the sun's beams. The intense color of her eyes resolved to a light, chestnut brown. She kept still; her movements were either fragmented by his slight shifting or the utterance of a sound from him. Instead, her head stirred to face his expression heavy with slumber induced features.

Then, in a matter of seconds, the memory of last night rushed in ripples through her mind. It was breathtaking, and as she thought about it, the turbulence of her heart picked up with great speed. The sides of her mouth wrinkled, pulling apart to form a slothful smile towards her sleeping lover. She had noticed his tousled curls, messily flopped over his forehead without any sort of organization. His jawline relaxed as it was usually clenched majority of the day.

She treasured the little things he possessed that had the capacity and power to swoon her with love. Carefully, her fingertips raised to glaze upon his lips. Plump, and faintly pink as she remembered from the night before.

In a swift motion, his lips wrapped around one of her fingers nearly causing her to scream. She only gasped, feeling half of her finger constricted by his jaw muscles.

He released, a chuckle mixing within his vocal cords. "Next time, they are mine," He idly murmured, his voice groggy from sleep.

"You scared me," She pointed out, leaning her upper body on the support of her elbow. Her disheveled head of hair was the apple of his eye. Harry's fingers reached to pat down on the ringlets, chuckling at her pouting expression when he did.

"I apologize baby girl," He whispered, lifting his free hand to level his head under him. "I couldn't resist."

There was an aching in her lower half, more like a pinging pain. Her thighs felt rumbled in the inner section, and whenever she moved them only a little, the pain returned. She wondered about the cause of it, and if Harry would understand. Despite him being of a different gender.

"My thighs hurt. That's normal, right?"

"Yes, it is. It was your first time, but it will wear off."

"Will I be able to walk and stuff?" She questioned, rotating her frame to dangle her calves off the edge of the bedding. Her palms gripped onto the mattress, hopeful that her legs would register and the aching would subside.

"Hopefully, but let me help you." She could feel the bed raise from his weight leaving the mattress, and pattering footsteps until they halted in front of her seated position. His hand wrapped around her palm, using the other hand to support her lower back region. His help was sufficient enough for her to make it to the bathroom. She didn't exactly want to be in that destination, but Harry was her help.

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