i s p y s e a l i f e

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a/n: hello guys! i apologize ahead of time, this is just a filler chapter, so it is a bit short, but it will recover next week! maybe vegas and harry will finally come face to face after so long? who knows! above is what vegas will be wearing and what harry's butler, constantine, looks like. enjoy! - dani xo 

c h a p t e r t w e n t y

h a r r y ' s p o v

The mockery exceeds to the highest limits. I've been fooled, bamboozled if I may correct myself. I am unwillingly captured in a swirling, spiraling, counterclockwise rollercoaster that will not cease. The churning of my stomach vessels are sickening, and as my hands tremble, possessing the multiple front page spreads, I can't help but bitter the inner coating of my madness.

Vegas is there; front and center with some slum of a man. Weeks worth of dates, encounters, public displays of affection pouring from the bold or italic headlines with her name. She remained the essence of beauty, poised and just by the photos, she was holding a sincere form of modest.

I miss her. The stains and wallows of tears haunt me, crawling at my dignity to collapse before the innocent bodies of people. Aunt Marie has forced me into appearing at socialite events, withholding a smile or things become challenging.

Hands cocked behind my back, fiddling with the stitching of my jacket enough to hold back the tears I wished to weep. Unfamiliar faces would approach to shake my hand, faces I've never seen one day in my life. Aunt Marie, however, claims that when I was child, they benefited my family's reputation. Pfft.

Unlike today, I've grown weak. I no longer suffice myself with food, and I do not bother to leave the confinement of my study room. The silence and the watch from the palace's windows are more pleasant that whatever Aunt Marie has planned for me.

She's happy. . .she's happy without you. . .

Go on, convince yourself of the matter. Convince yourself that you have failed her trust, and there is nothing that you can do to fix the twiddling love that she once kept in her eyes. Her twinkling chocolate orbs, lightening up the path of righteous for you. Everything settles at the shore line of her cheeks, flushed with grace. Convince yourself that you have ruin the single most greatest thing that has ever whisked into your life.

Harry, you sir, are a failure at life.

"Sir," Constantine alerted, his lengthy frame aligned with that of the doorway. His hands are fastened in front of him, awaiting for me to acknowledge his request to interrupt.

"Go ahead, Constantine," My throat rasped, frame adjusting against the wall.

"I am going to be quite honest, sir, you are a wreck," He spat, shutting the door behind to beware himself of Aunt Marie's intruding ears, even from her chambers. "You have lost a signifiant amount of weight, and I can stand no longer and watch this train dispose itself off the ledge."

"What are you saying, Constantine?"

"I'm saying that you need to hire someone. . .to investigate. To get a closer look at her whereabouts. Frankly, you can not do that from where you are sitting," He stated matter-a-factly.

"Hire someone? I don't quite under—"

"Get a spy, sir."

A spy?

"W-why would I do that?"

"Sir, you aren't your best. You need a spy to see what Vegas is doing. To discover who this guy is that she dating, and get more details to win her back. You want to, right sir?"


With uncertainty floating amongst the atmosphere of my clouded, but darken air, I questioned it. Do I really want to win her back? With the amount of hate that Piper claims that she possess, what makes a sane person think that she would actually receive my apology with open arms?

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