f l a s h y a f f e c t i o n

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a/n: above are the outfits that harry and vegas are wearing during the chapter. my writing kind of sucks today, but i wanted to update for you all. happy reading - dani xo

c h a p t e r t e n

I've earned this.

I've earned the indirect comments that Mr. Horan now delivers during the daily meetings. He proposes the idea to appearing in every client consultation, along with Tammy to document a summary of the interaction.

This was something that could not be argued with, but it was not imperative to explore these lengths to achieve his point.

Subsequently, Harry and I have not spoken to each other in over a week. Rather, I ignored every single one of his calls and constant messaging, to the point of blocking his number. Liam thought that was a bit far and that he didn't deserve that much, but as of now, I can not bare to look at him.

He nearly cost me my job, the only method of income to afford the things that I have purchased. Of course he does not understand this, since everything was handed to him on a platinum gold platter, sprinkled with shavings of bronze.

As any usual day after work, the comfort of my sweats was beauty in itself. The cotton material rubbing against the shivering goosebumps from the bitter weather outside was pleasurable. The green tea sipped from my Minnie Mouse mug soothed the pit of my stomach as I could properly watch The Office without interruptions.

With the control of the remote, I pressed the button to play the middle of one of my favorite episodes of the season five. Micheal can't seem to understand that he is the cause of Stanley's stress. Poor man.

The vibrating pulse of my phone felt familiar. My hands roamed the couch, searching under the blanket in need to answer the pressing phone call. I set aside the thermal liquid, locating my phone under my backside.

Incoming call from Piper..

Piper has become a important person within the last few weeks. When I stop by the bookstore to make a new purchase, she is at her usual table, able to wave me over and share a time worthy conversation that could last for hours.

I finalized my decision on answering, pressing my ear to the proper end.

"Hello?" Piper called into the line.

"Hey Piper," I giggled, hearing her vibrant background. Her roommates aren't the friendliest and they don't spare a moment not to argue with each other.

"Sounds like you are home?"

"Yeah, sorry about hanging up on you earlier." Mr. Horan has put himself on the priority watch to monitor who I'm sharing 'valuable time' on the phone with. He couldn't stop watching my office door, and when he heard of my conversation with Piper moments before my lunch, he wasn't too merry about who the person was. "My boss decided to badger me today."

"How about we go out? To clear your mind, yeah?" She suggested, her mouth pulling away from the line to shush her roommates.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," I thought, seeing the clock's time of 8:30pm, and how tomorrow was a day to heal a hangover if I happened to gain one.

"I know the exact place. I'll text you the address." She paused again, this time the silence was longer than a few seconds. She practically argued with them until their voices were no longer heard from my end of the line.


"Hmm, something fancy, really fancy," Piper's voice concluded, a fair amount of humor tangling within.

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