h e a r t f e l t p l e a d s

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a/n: here we are. one of the last chapters. only a few more to go my darlings. are you ready? i already planned the ending, and everything. if you guys would like a specific chapter, let me know! anyways, happy reading, dani xo

c h a p t e r t w e n t y n i n e

t w o w e e k s l a t e r .

Mediocre. Her life was mediocre without him. Without his touch. Without his pudgy hips to show through his tee shirts and when his arms would reach for the top shelves in her apartment. Without his slow, but intelligent speech when they spoke of deep topics and conversations. Without the ability to receive his 'dalfies' (his lame name for daily selfies) and the opportunity to send her own for his endless splurge of compliments. Without his constant reminder that she was beautiful even after she couldn't believe it herself. He completed the broken, brittle pieces of her heart, and without him, she felt indifferent.

Ashton, an angered chihuahua the moment she returned to London, described her as a zombie. Vegas' eyes appeared distant, and whenever she attempted a conversation with her, she only muttered a simple 'mhmm'. Usually when something occurs in Vegas' life, Ashton and the rest of her friends wouldn't hear the end of her complaining, but this time, she said nothing.

Her dedicated best friend, Liam, did not accept her behavior. There were several attempts to cheer her up, but nothing could compare to the words she craved for him to say to her. Not even Liam's. He bought all of her favorite things: coffee, Asian food, and the gathering of all of the people who loved her. Inside of her apartment with her knees to her chest, Vegas was huddled in a fluffy, teal blanket while her eyes were screwed to the televised program of the royal wedding that was to take place in less than three hours.

The countdown was penetrating to her skull like an inevitable siren that would not quit. Each second disintegrating into thin air. She felt like the mystical character, Alice, who fell like a rag doll through the hole without a chance of actually reaching Wonderland. Her body flung through the air, floating objects breaking away as she attempted to grab hold of them, but with no luck.

She was hopeless without him.

"Vegas, you have to eat something," Liam encouraged as his lips formed together to blow off the steam from the microwaved leftovers. "You haven't ate in days."

"I know. You lost quite a bit of weight," Piper mentioned while her fingers fiddled through the matted locks of hair that were in poking in different directions on Vegas' head. She advised Vegas to sort through her unkempt bed head, but there wasn't much of a response. In fact, she bitterly ignored her suggestion with a cold shoulder.

"Man, we should just wait til Ashton gets here. She'll knock some sense into her," Liam placed the food Vegas rejected on the coffee table beside the cushioned couch they were all seated on.

"Where is she anyway?"

"She's at the store or something," Liam coasted his sight to absorb the crowd's energy from behind the palace gates. Signs and the lot of people spread across central London to welcome the bride and groom inside of the Catholic cathedral. The vermilion colored carpet was placed at the entrance, the soldiers in the monumental black hats presented themselves with prestige and honor outside the building's doors.

"Don't you think that this will make her more miserable?" Piper hissed through her teeth behind a still Vegas, eyes frozen to the television screen. "Look at her."

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