r e l e a s e

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a/n: harry will be singing 'i want to write you a song' (so picture him singing it all parts too), and above are the outfits for the chapter.  i will also write in third person omniscient so, you guys can see the point of view from both sides. this is an important chapter. happy reading! - dani xo

c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n

The night was assumed to be for beauty rest, and Vegas held against this assumption strongly. Her bed was her sanction with the tousled mess of her cotton sheets, and the comfort of her pillow against the brim of her neck. She could hide away from the corrupted situation of the world, and replace it with the ecstasy of her sweetest dreams.

She snored, and hummed muffled words, the cares of these conversations seemingly becoming a breeze. She was known as a wild sleeper; her limbs spreading and stretching across her queen sized mattress as if she was reaching to no end.

In her dreams, Vegas was crossing over a violent sea, and suddenly a masculine pair of arms grasped around her torso, hugging her. She was warmed by his embrace, and there wasn't anyone else that came to mind except for Harry.

Her lips pulled to a charitable giggle, snickering and allowing a bit of slob to cascade down her chin.

Buzz. Buzz.

Vegas' hands waved off the sound, while a groan emptied her parted lips.

Buzz. Buzz.

She grew restlessly, and decided to leap from her fragmented slumber to search for the irritating vibration.

The screen temporarily blinded her, but with adjustment, she was able to decode the reason. Harry's name and picture appeared.

Why is he calling me at two a.m.?

Despite the time, her finger slid across to answer the phone call. Something in her still wanted to hear his deep, raspy undertone that tangled with his accent.

"Harry, it is two am. Two," She reminded him, sitting up in her simple crop top, and underwear.

"Come with me tonight, babe.." His voice leaked into the line.

"What? Harry, its two a.m.."

"Please, Vegas..just come with me tonight.." Harry begged, hopelessly gripping his iPhone. She knew nothing of his location outside of her apartment building, clutching close to his steering wheel. This was the final night of the three weeks the Queen awarded to him.

He planned to reveal his feelings as if he would never see her again, and in this case, he wouldn't.

"Fine.." She murmured as she used the corner of her knuckle to wipe the sleepiness from her eyes. "How long do I have to get ready?"

"I'm already outside so, ten minutes?'

"Harry, I'm a woman. Do you expect me to get ready in that little time?" She pattered her barefoot across the hardwood, stuffing her phone between her pierced ear, and clothed shoulder while opening the doors of her closet.

His chuckle held the silence, the amusement heard within. "Alright, just come out when you are ready, beautiful."

"Would you like me to stay on the phone with you?" Of course, Harry would like to stay with her for every moment of the day. To hear her voice and the cheerful amount of laughter he pushes upon her in the smallest moments when their dates are created on his spontaneous actions.

"I would like you to, yes."

Vegas' inner being squealed, then went about constructing an outfit for their small endeavor in the middle of the night. She had no idea about the reason, and she intended on being surprised.

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