The Big Reveal! | Ch 20

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A/N: This is a very frickin long chapter, with multiple songs. If you wanna skip any, you can do that. But if it is possible, do not skip the last song. Anyways, thank you, and enjoy!

No one's POV

Izuku wasn't gonna lie. Today's festivities really calmed him down. Although he is sad that Kendo didn't win 1st in the pageant, he's still proud she made 3rd. And he's also not gonna lie, he almost passed out from Kendo being in a dress. 

"Hey Izu! You ready for the concert at 5?" Kendo asks Izuku, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Of course I am! I actually have to get some stuff done though."

"Aw really? It's already 2:30!" she pouts.

"I'm really sorry Itsuka, but this is very important."

Kendo simply sighs, "Fine. I am curious though, what do you need to do?"

"You know Eri? The little girl I saved during my work study with Sir Nighteye?"

A/N: May Sir Rest in Piece....

"Hm? Of course!"

"Yea, so essentially she has never had a candy apple. So I have to get ingredients to make some!"

"Aww that's so sweet Izu!" Kendo says, hugging him.

"Ehe, thanks."

"Y'know, that's one reason why I love you."


"You're willing to do anything to make someone happy. And when you put your mind to it, you can't be stopped. And plus, you are just a big cinnamon roll."

Izuku is essentially close to tears now, as he barely ever hears something as heartfelt as that.

Hugging her, he says, "Thank you, Itsuka."

"Hehe, it's what I'm here for. Now, get that girl a candy apple!"

"Roger that!" Izuku says with the brightest smile he has ever done.

While he runs off, Kendo quietly says to herself, 

"You goofball."

With Izuku

'I really hate lying to her, but it's the only way to make the surprise as great as possible. I already got everything I need for the apple, but what I do need to do is get prepared for the concert as Miduku! Which means I have to run like mad!' Izuku thinks to himself, charging up One for All as well as float to jump towards the dorms.

"Why do I think this is a good idea every time I do it?!?!" Izuku yells, flipping forwards towards to dorms.

With Aizawa

"Huh?" Aizawa says, looking around.

"You okay Eraserhead?" Ectoplasm questions.

"Um yea, just thought I heard Midoriya yelling above me for some reason."

"You probably are hearing things. Present Mic would just tell you to go back to sleep."

"Yea I think I should."

Back with Izuku


Izuku literally just screamed the entire time he did this, when he suddenly somehow sticks the landing in front of the 1-B dorms.

"Ha... ha... ha... I think I'm good now..." Izuku pants while walking to his dorm dizzily. "Yea... Let's just not do that again..."

After about 10 minutes of fumbling towards his room, he reaches it and goes inside.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now