A Night to Remember | Ch 8

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Eventually the two finished their burgers. By this time, it was about an hour and a half before sunset.

"So what now? We've done almost everything in the fair." Kendo asked.

"Um..." Izuku suddenly went. "Oh! I know!"

He suddenly grabbed Kendo and dragged her off.

"H-Hey! I can walk myself y'know!"

Izuku blushes once again and lets go after stopping.

"Ehe, m-my bad."

"It's ok! Just ehm, why'd you drag me here?" Kendo asked curiously.

"O-Oh right! J-Just um, stay here real quick."

Izuku then runs off, leaving Kendo with herself.

"I wonder what he's doing..." she wonders. "Oh my god, I have an idea!"

She then checks her pockets, knowing what she was looking for was in one of them.

'Aha! Found it!' she thinks as she pulls a hair tie out of her back pocket.

At that moment, Izuku comes back with his hands behind his back.

"O-Ok, now close your eyes."

Kendo gives him a strange look, but just shrugs and closes them.

After a second, Izuku tells her to open her eyes.

"Ta-da!" Izuku beams, holding up two popsicles, a strawberry one and a vanilla, with the strawberry one held out a bit more.

Kendo lights up, and takes the strawberry one.

"How'd you know I like strawberries?!" Kendo asked.

"I-I may or may not have heard you say you liked strawberries while we were at the cafe." he said sheepishly.

He was going to say more, but was cut off by Kendo giving him a hug.

"I knew you were the right one to choose to like..." she said, with her voice muffled a bit due to it being in his chest.

Izuku was startled by this with a mad blush on his face, but he eventually melted into it, and returned the hug.

"S-Same here..."

The two stayed like that for what felt like forever to them, neither wanting to let go, both wanting to just cherish the moment.

Suddenly though, Kendo back away and took out a hair tie with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hold this and stay still," Kendo said as she gave the green haired cinnamon roll her popsicle.

"I- uhm, ok."

For a moment, Kendo was attempting to put his hair together into a bun, but was having some difficulty since his hair was so unruly.

"Does your hair always have to be this messy? It's not like I don't like it, I love it, but it's so hard to put into a bun."

Izuku can only chuckle at this, admitting his hair was one hell of a mess.

After some more time, Kendo finally backs away, admiring her handiwork.

"And done!" she exclaimed happily. 

The front of Izuku's mop of green hair was now in a man bun, facing straight up.

"Now gimme!" Kendo said happily taking back her popsicle.

Izuku could only laugh at the moment. Seeing him, Kendo quickly took out he phone once again to take a picture. After some adjusting, she took the photo and looked at it, admiring it.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now