Unfortunate Timing | Ch 5

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Soon enough the two were pushed out the building, left to have a forced hangout. They stood there for what felt like an hour, until Midoriya finally spoke.

"S-So... What now?"

"I- Um, I guess we can g-go into the city."

"L-Let's go t-then."

As they walked away, 1-B watched in awe as the two went out for their first "date," not that they went on it willingly.

"So how do you guys think it'll go?" Setsuna asked.

"Horribly." Kuroiro responds.

"Don't be like that Kuroiro-kun! Maybe it'll go well!" Pony says.


"I have a question for Pony and Tokoyami actually," Monoma says.

"What is it?" the two ask in unison.

"Have you guys told the despicable 1-A about your relationship?"

The two look at the other seeing who would answer, until Tokoyami finally decided to answer.

"One, 1-A isn't that horrible. Two, we haven't, considering the relationship between most of our two classes."

"Yea, I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't dating someone like Tokoyami, it would result in a lot of drama..."

Most of the class nod in response.

"Speaking of my class, you mentioned I was 'one of the few 1-A students' that you guys actually still liked." Tokoyami asked.

"What about it?" Monoma responded.

"Well, who are the other 1-A students you guys actually still accept?"

Monoma seems to think of this for a second, while the other students look at him, also curious. He eventually comes up with an answer.

"I suppose it would be also Midoriya if you haven't figured that out, Jiro, Sero, and Kaminari."

"Isn't that Kaminari the one who insulted me and started this whole thing!?" Shishida yells.

"Well if you think about it, he looked to be fried when he did though. Like if he uses his quirk too much he fries his brain." Shoda says.

"That I can confirm. He essentially becomes stupid when he fries his brain, so it wasn't really his fault." Tokoyami admits.

"Grr... Whatever."

"Ok we'll disregard him for now. Other than him, we're fine with the rest Monoma mentioned." Yui stated.

"Well if Monoma says it," Tokoyami started, "I'll believe it."

Meanwhile with Kendo and Izuku

At this point, Izuku and Kendo were already at the train station figuring out where they should go, while of course still slightly flustered from what caused this. Although they at least worked up the courage to start talking again.

"How about we go to the mall?"

"Well I'm sure we've both been to the mall multiple times by now, so I'm assuming we both have done everything that we can do there."

"Ok... Oh wait! How about that cafe you got those amazing cinnamon rolls from!" Kendo happily suggested, beaming with hope.

Seeing her, Izuku immediately blushed. 'C-Cute...' is all he could think.

"W-Wha!?" Kendo suddenly exclaimed as she started to turn red from embarrassment.

'Wait did I say that out loud?!' Izuku by now was panicking, after all he just accidentally called the girl he's crushing on cute.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now