She has a boyfriend?! | Ch 4

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Sun is shining, birds are chirping, Dark Shadow is being Dark Shadow, everything is calm. 

But not for long. 

With Class 1-B

"Hey guys I'm back!" yells a slightly nervous Tsunotori.

"Oh hey!" responds Yui. "Guys Tsunotori's back!"

"Hey girl!"

"Heya Tsunotori."

"Hi Pony!"

Once everyone's done saying hello in one way or another, she's finally able to speak.

"Ok, so I have some news, and I also have 2 people outside the door right now."

"Who is it? And is it related to your sudden disappearance for 20 minutes?" asks Shoda.

"Yes, it is. Now, good news or good news?"

A couple people chuckle at this, since Pony usually doesn't make jokes of her own.

"We'll take the... Uh, good news?" says Kaibara.

Fukidashi simply gives one of his 'Yep!' onomatopoeias.

"Ok, so the first bit of news, is..." Tsunotori starts to say nervously.

"Is...?" asks Shoda.

"I may or may not have a boyfriend now..." Tsunotori says sheepishly.




"WHAT?!?!?!" yells the whole class, including Kuroiro.

Meanwhile with Izuku, Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow

"You think she's fine in there?" asked Izuku.

As if on cue, they immediately hear a chorus of 'WHAT?!' including some onomatopoeias flying out of some windows that were, for some reason, open.

Seeing the spectacle, Tokoyami simply responds, "Yea she's fine."

Back with Class 1-A

'WHAT??!?!?!?!' is all any of the class could hear in the distance.

"Did y'all hear that?" Asks Jiro, slightly rubbing her ears.

"I did, yea." Responds Mina.

"So did I." also says Kirishima, who at this point was done having his manly broment with Tetsutetsu.

"It's probably nothing you shitty extras!" yells an angry pomeranian.

"Well other than that, has anyone seen Tokoyami or Midoriya?" asks Iida. "Ever since Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had their apologetic meeting, they've been gone."

"I haven't," says Hagakure.

"I have not," says Todoroki.

"Neither have I," Yaoyorozu says.

"Well Tokoyami and Midoriya are well, Tokoyami and Midoriya. They do like disappearing without notice," says Kaminari.

"I agree with Denki." says Jiro.

"Yea they're probably fine."

Back with 1-B

At this point, Fukidashi is blowing his head off with onomatopoeias, Kuroiro is acting like he's been in the core of the Sun, Yanagi is is starting to float small objects around her, Yui accidentally enlarged her coffee cup, and Setsuna is shaking the life out her friend, with the others just exploding in absolute shock.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now