Izuku's Secret | Ch 11

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With 1-A

"So no one has seen Tokoyami or Midoriya since yesterday morning?" Iida asked.

Everyone said no, which only confused Iida even more.

"It's not really like Midoriya or Tokoyami to disappear for this long! Sure, they've disappeared before, but this is just absurd! It's been an entire day!"

At that moment Aizawa walks into the room.

"If you are wondering where Midoriya has been, he was just spending the day yesterday training. He then went and visited his mom and slept over at his own house." he says. "As for Tokoyami, I don't know."

"Sensei! How do you know that?" Mina asks.

"I ran into Midoriya this morning. I asked him why he wasn't here all day yesterday, that's what he said."

"Well I guess it makes sense. Midoriya trains a lot and does care about his mother even more." Uraraka says.

"Why do you all care about that damn nerd so much anyway! It's not like he's special or anything!" a particular angry pomeranian yells.

"So noisy..." Todoroki says while eating his soba.

"Shut up half n half bastard!"

While the one sided argument continues, a particular cinnamon roll walks into the dorms, watching the familiar spectacle.

Suddenly Kirishima notices him.

"Hey guys! Midoriya is back!"

Suddenly he is crowded by a majority of his classmates, firing question after question at him.

"Where were you Deku-kun?!"

"Why'd you disappear for an entire day?"

"Did you see any-" Mineta is slapped by Asu- It's Tsu. I mean Tsu, before he can finish his question.

After about a minute, Iida is finally able to calm them down.

"Everyone! Let Midoriya speak uninterrupted so he can explain!"

Once everyone is calmed down, Izuku speaks.

"I-I was t-training yesterday. A-After t-that I went a-and v-visited m-my mother." he says, back to his cinnamon roll self.

Meanwhile Aizawa smiles to himself.

'I knew he'd say that.'

Suddenly Izuku starts weaving himself through the crowd, as he says, "Well I need to go. I'm going to visit Eri-san, who is currently with Mirio."

'I don't like lying, but then again, it's not entirely a lie. Whenever I go there, I usually run into the two.'

"Oh, already?" Iida asks.

"Yea, I made a promise that I'd meet her today. And how can anyone break a promise to Eri?" Izuku says with a smile.

Everyone agrees, as Izuku walks off to change. A couple minutes later, he's come back, wearing a green/black gradient shirt with black aesthetics, as well as some black shorts. He was also carrying a skateboard that was black also and with green wheels.

 He was also carrying a skateboard that was black also and with green wheels

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Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now