Christmas at UA | Ch 22

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A/N: AIGHT, TIME FOR CHRISTMAS IN UA. Yes, it's more than 2 months after, but eh. Y'all said yes in the poll, so here y'all go. Anyways, grab a santa hat, some hot cocoa and maybe some candy, and enjoy!

To say the days and weeks after the concert were hectic for Midoriya would be a very ridiculous understatement. The students of UA accepted the fact after about two weeks and stopped harassing him with questions to have a selfie and all that, but you can't say the same for everyone outside the school. Unlike them, they didn't have the chance to essentially see the dude every single day. So now whenever he went to his mother's house he would always be stopped in one way or another about 5 times a trip.

But for the most part, it was really calm for him after that initial two week span. People started treating him like Izuku again, and people stopped questioning how he went under the radar as Miduku for so long.

And truth be told, Izuku basically panicked every time he was stopped. 

But now, he was truly panicking. Because now, it was two days from Christmas.

"How did I not realize it was almost Christmas?! I mean, it's such a big holiday that-"

He would've spiraled into a mumbling mess, but he was cut off by a slap to the cheek.

"Midoriya calm down! You still have two days to find the perfect present for Kendo!" Monoma yells.

"He is correct, Midoriya. You still have plenty of time to find the perfect present for her. After all, I found the perfect one for Pony in something like 5 hours." Tokoyami remarked.

"But that was 5 hours! What if I-"

Again, slapped.

"Midoriya! Calm down bro!" Tetsutetsu, who was behind the slap this time, said. "With that steel determination of yours, you'll be able to find one in no time!"

"Y-You're right... Thank you."

"It's what you called this bro meeting for after all, right?" Monoma says.

"Y-Yea, I guess you're right."

"Now get that present Midoriya." says Tokoyami.

"I will! Thank you!" Midoriya responds, running out the door.

"You think he's gonna do it?" Tetsutetsu asks.

"Of course he is, it's Midoriya."

"That is true."

Suddenly a couple of the girls walk in.

"So were you guys successful?" Yui asks.

"Yea." Monoma replies. "How about you?"

"Yep, we managed to convince Kendo she can do it." Pony says. "Speaking of which, she should blow past us in 3, 2, 1... Now."

And just like that, a blur of orange blasts past the group and out the door without a word.

"Huh, and I thought Iida was fast." Tokoyami remarks.

The groups bursts into a fit of laughter at the comment and proceed to go about their usual Saturday morning routine, even though it's Wednesday.

Back with Midoriya

Izuku was now full sprinting down to the mall, with those who saw him only seeing a blur of green lightning. And it was so sudden, it was like a jump scare.

Suddenly Izuku realized how close to the mall he was now, and tried to stop.

Thing is, he did. But not as smooth as he would like. He first went and jumped a bit to straighten his legs. When he landed, he skidded for a bit. It was going fine, until he hit a rock in the sidewalk and started flipping forward when he landed on his feet again, and started running to prevent himself from falling. Buuuuut his body was going too fast and his legs couldn't speed up in time. So he proceeded to fall flat on his face into a bush.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now