Act 1 Finale Pt 1 | Lost Control | Chapter 14

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A/N: From this chapter onwards manga spoilers will exist, so you have been warned. If you want to know a site to read the manga, tell me and I'll message you.

Izuku's POV

I slowly walked back to my dorm, taking the long route. In fact, I was... angry. Angry at Uraraka specifically. She just had to kiss me, and practically destroy me and Itsuka's relationship. And in the process of doing that, she also destroyed our friendship.

Eventually I got back to the dorms, and when I checked my phone, it said 22:00. I should've been asleep by now, but I don't think I'm going to class tomorrow. Entering, I see all of 1-A in the common room. It looks like they've been waiting for me. And what do you know, the first one to approach me is the bitch herself, Uraraka.

"Deku-kun are you-"

"Shut up you bitch!"

Everyone is taken aback by this visibly. After all, I've never even swore. Even I'm surprised.

"B-But De-"

"I said shut up!"

I walk past her, visibly fuming, leaving her to cry.

"Midoriya! You shouldn't be so mean to your classmate like that! And Uraraka of all people!" Iida exclaims, earning no response from me.

Everyone tries talking to me, but to no avail. That's when Kacchan speaks up.

"Oi Deku! The fuck did she do, huh?!" he suddenly yells. "This isn't you! You never fucking swear so why the fuck are you-"

"Shut up."

Now Bakugou was fuming.

"Bakugou, stop. You have no idea what he's been through." Tokoyami said with slight worry in his voice. Everyone knew how Tokoyami spoke, so hearing worry in his voice didn't sound good.

"Shut up Bird Brain! I won't stop until he-"

"Bakugou shut the fuck up!" I say again. This immediately directed Bakugou back to me.

"No I won't you stupid fucking nerd! Tell us why you are like this or else-"

"Or else what?! You'll blow my face up? Tell me I'm fucking useless?! Tell me to take a swan dive off the roof?!"

Now I was furious, so much in fact I didn't even realize that...

my second quirk activated.

Bakugou's POV

"What else huh?! What else?!" Deku yelled.

He was so angry that he was covered in a green electrical aura, like he had activated his quirk, One For All. But, something was different. The aura was more powerful than usual, the electricity bouncing all over the place, like he had a lightning quirk. Even scarier though, was the fact that all the lights were flickering, like they were being messed with and his eyes were discharging electricity. And it just kept getting worse. Soon enough all the lights were glowing and flickering green light as he continued to yell. He just kept angrier and angrier, and even got more furious than I could ever be.

"Please! Fucking enlighten me!" Deku said stomping his foot. 

But when he stomped his foot... he exploded.

The lights all exploded, the windows burst, and an explosion blew us all back. 

I was tossed out of a window, I think, cause when I opened my eyes again I was looking at grass. Looking around me, I saw everyone else either nearly unconscious, or struggling to get up.

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now