They are Confusion | Ch 21

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A/N: This is a short chapter, just to show what happened right after the concert -^-


And I'm lazy for this one

To say everyone went insane, would surprisingly be wrong. For the first few moments anyway. Upon the reveal, everyone just had their jaws open while the green haired cinnamon roll casually kissed what appeared to be the love of his life. 

But what surprised them even more is that he was kissing someone.

And it was the president of 1-B at that too. Like who could expect something like that? Except for 1-B and Jiro & Kaminari.

And then all hell broke loose.

"EHHHHH?!?!?!" is all anyone could yell.

"Now! Calm down everyone! I know it's a surprise to see me as Miduku but-"

"Shitty Deku!!! How long have you been doing this behind our backs?!"

Izuku essentially had a deadpan and a sweatdrop at the same time. Like seriously, the face he had was priceless.

 Like seriously, the face he had was priceless

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It was this except he wasn't looking up.

Bakugou was rapidly flying towards the startled cinnamon roll when suddenly he just... fell to the ground. Onto his face.

Immediately, Izuku knew who was behind that.

Looking around, he eventually spotted his former sensei, and silently mouthed 'thank you' to him. In response, the teacher nodded with a bored expression.

Meanwhile Kirishima was dragging a very angry pomeranian back to where the rest of their class was. Safe to say it was him who made most of the noise in the area.

"Alright! Before anything else happens, I'd like to welcome Principal Nezu up to the stage! HE is the reason we are all here for this after all!"

A few scattered cheers are heard, given that most people are still taking in the fact that Izuku was Miduku.

At that moment, a certain mouse dog bear thing walks onto the stage.

"To say that was a surprise is quite certainly an understatement Mr. Midoriya! You did quite a good job concealing your identity!" he exclaimed.

"Ehe, thank you Principal Nezu. I just happen to have a knack for it I guess."

"Indeed! Now I would like to thank everyone for such a great UA School Festival this year!"

Confused cheering are shot back at the small rodent.

Meanwhile Izuku is ushering Kendo back to the rest of their friends.

"But whyyyyy!" Kendo pouts.

"I have to deal with some stuff after this, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to sit through those stuff."

"But still!"

"C'mon, you can deal with an hour without me."

"Not really..."

"Oh you'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it. Now go." Izuku says as he shoots a million-watt smile at her.

"Ugh, fine..." she finally relents. "But you're gonna have to explain a lot when we get back."

"I will! I promise to explain everything when I get back."

Suddenly something seems to click in Izuku's head.

"I have an idea. From now on, no more secrets, alright?"

Kendo smiles at this, and simply responds, "Deal."

The two then do a small pinky finger shake. Kendo then walks off the stage, past a bunch of confused UA students.

"Ok everyone! I will now hand the mic off to Mr. Midoriya!"

"Thank you Principal Nezu!" Izuku breaths a sigh of happiness as he starts to talk again. "Just to make sure it's set in your heads, yes, I am Miduku. I have been for the past... eh... Year? Yea that sounds about right. But I've been making songs for the past 3. I only came up with the Miduku idea about a year ago. I never really expected it to blow up this much, but I'm glad I did it. You see, it became a way to put my feelings into a song. Such as the song 'Brother' which is the most recent song before this concert. And I'm pretty sure you all understood what I was talking about. But finally I would like to thank you all for supporting me this entire time. It means a lot to me. So with that, I would like to proclaim the UA School Festival, as finished!"

At this moment, everyone seemed to snap out of their surprised daze and started to cheer for Izuku, except of course for a few people.

"Thank you everyone! Now have a good night!"

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now