What Happened After | Ch 9

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Izuku suddenly wakes up and looks around confused. He's not in his room, but rather a couch in what looks to be his dorm.

'What happened? And... Why am I in the common room?' Izuku wonders.

"Oh you're awake," someone says to the right of Izuku.

Looking over, Izuku sees Monoma in the kitchen, making himself some omelets. 

"Wait... Where am I?" Izuku asks.

"You're in 1-B's dorm still. After yesterday you were so tired you couldn't keep your eyes open for more than a minute straight without almost passing out," Monoma said. "So we gave you spare clothes, a pillow and blanket. You then hopped on the couch and passed out."

The day before

"Are they ever gonna come back?" Setsuna asked.

"They should, after all it's Kendo and Midoriya. Those two sleep essentially at 9 on the dot, from what I've heard." Hiryu Rin said.

Manga simply did a simple "Yep!" onomatopoeia.

"Well I'm not staying up any longer. I want my sleep." Shishida said.

Everyone else did too and went up to their respective dorms, except for Monoma, Setsuna, Tsunotori, Yui, and Tokoyami, who was still with them.

"So we're just gonna wait for them?" Tokoyami asked.

"Yea, essentially." replied Monoma.

"What's the time, by the way?" Pony asked.

"Just about 22:15," Tokoyami simply responded. "But since you're American Pony, it's 10:15."

"Ok yea thanks, I don't usually use the 24-hour format." Pony said. "Also geez, no wonder the others went to bed, it's only an hour and thirty minutes from midnight."


"Well, let's stay up and wait for the two!" Setsuna cheered.

"Yea!" everyone cheered.

30 minutes later

Izuku and Kendo walk in laughing, hands intertwined with each other. Looking around, they see all 5 of them scattered on and around the couch, with Tokoyami and Pony snuggled next to each other on the couch, Monoma sitting backwards on a chair with his head resting, and Yui and Setsuna piled on each other, all of them passed out cold.

"T-They were waiting for us?" Izuku asked.

"Seems like it, but it seems they failed..." replied Kendo.

All of a sudden Monoma woke up from hearing the two's voices.

"Wha- who-" Monoma started mumbling. As soon as he realized who was at the door, he seemed to be fully awake. "Oh! Guys they're back!"

This woke everyone else up, except Yui, who seemed to be out the most. She had to be nudged by Setsuna to wake up.

"Who's here...?" Setsuna asked, still half-asleep.

"Midoriya and Kendo! Who else do you think?" Monoma said.

This seemed to wake everyone even quicker, as they immediately shot up.

"H-Hey g-guys." Izuku said.

Everyone quickly gathered in front of the two and immediately bombarded them with questions.

"How'd it go?"

"Why were you so late?"

"Where'd you guys go?"

Right Place, Wrong Time (Izuku x Kendo) [Discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now