Chapter Fourteen: Waiting

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Once we got to the house, everyone split, grabbing clothes and bags. Suddenly the air shifted and I heard Lucius let out a warning growl.

"I've come to warn you," said a somewhat familiar voice. Laurent. Edward and Bella came into the house, having just pulled in the garage. Edward went into a crouch and hissed at Laurent.

"Wait. He's here to help us."

"Be careful with James. He's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. Ive never seen anything like him in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria? Do not underestimate her." After speaking Laurent left. We all headed for the garage and Jasper spoke.

"We'll have to rip him apart and burn the pieces."

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James," Carlisle said, placing items in a bag.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asked sitting on the counter.

"I'll run Bella south," Edward said.

"Edward, James knows you would never leave Bella. He is expecting that," Carlisle said.

"I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I can drive her south. We'll keep her safe," Alice said.

"Rosalie, can you put on this jacket? It'll help throw off the tracker."

Why? What is she to me?"

"Rose," I hissed, my eyes flashing to the black with emerald briefly.

"Calm down, kitten. Don't need you changing right here," Emmett said jokingly.

"Bella is with Edward now. She's a part of this family. And we protect our family," Carlisle said to Rose, holding out the jacket. Rose took it and walked away a couple feet. Edward went to talk to Bella who had gotten in a car with Alice and Jasper. The rest were running on foot to throw off the tracker.

"Carlisle, let me help. I can now," I pleaded, wanting to help my sister.

"No. You need to be here with Lucius and protect your father," Carlisle said. 

"But-" I started

"He's right. Your father needs you here. Plus your shifting needs work before you can help against a vampire," Lucius said.

"Very well. I'll stay." Carlisle drew me into a hug and I clung to him, fearful.

"Be careful," I said.

"Always," he murmured, kissing my forehead. He pulled away and the car that held Jasper, Alice, and Bella pulled out of the garage. 

"Come on, mom. I'll take you home and Lucius can follow in cat form," Emmett said, "before I go to help the others." It felt like forever to get home. When Emmett pulled the Jeep into the drive, I got out.

"Be careful, Emmett. You and the others," I said, making sure he nodded before I shut the door. I headed inside and once there, I saw Dad on the couch dried tears on his face. I went over to him and sat next time.

"She's gone. Again. And she's not coming back," he said quietly. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned his head on mine.

"She'll come around. She is just high strung right now. She'll call here in a bit and we'll see if she is calmer then." I stayed there until he fell asleep and moved him to lay on the couch. I grabbed one of the spare blankets and spread it over him. I went to my room to wait for a call from one of the others.

*Few hrs later*

Dad burst into my room with his phone in his hand. 

"It's Bella," he cried, "she's been in an accident." I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes as I felt my shifter side emerge for a moment. 

"Is she okay? What happened?" I asked, jumping up from my bed. 

"Renee said she fell down the stairs and went through a window. She says she is fine and not to come down as Bella should be out in a few days." I sighed in relief and sat back down on my bed. Charlie left the room and headed back downstairs. I heard a whoosh outside and went to the window to check the sound. Upon opening the window, I saw a red headed figure blurring away from the house, a lion chasing the red head away. All I could do now was wait for Bella and the others to return. 

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