Chapter Fifteen: One Door Closes, Another Opens

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It had been a few days since we got the phone call about Bella, and I was anxious on how the others were doing and if they had gotten rid of James. Bella was still alive so I assumed they got him. It was the middle of the night, Shadow was curled up on my bed. Suddenly a rock hit the window, shocking me from my thoughts. I got up and looked out of the window. Carlisle was down on the ground, waiting. I opened the window and stepped back out of the way as he came up.

"Hello, love," he said as he pulled me into his arms.

"Hello. Did you get him? How's Bella? Did anyone else get hurt? What about-" my rapid fire questions were cut off by him kissing me softly. He pulled away as quick as he kissed me and smiled.

"Calm yourself, sweetheart. No one else is hurt and James is destroyed. As for Bella, she has a broken leg, a healing but deep cut in her thigh. It severed her the artery in her leg. A bite mark from James."

"How is she not a vampire?" I asked

"Edward sucked the venom out in time." I sighed and moved to sit on my bed. Carlisle followed and took my hand in his.

"What about Victoria? I saw Lucius chase her away from the house."

"We tracked her to Seattle but that was as far as we got before she got away," Carlisle said.

"Okay. I need to sleep. I haven't yet."

"I'll stay until the morning. Rest well."

*Prom day for Bella*

I waited downstairs with Dad and Edward on Bella. She had arrived home several days ago with her leg in a cast. I heard her foot and boot on the stairs and looked up to see my sister in a beautiful dress, most likely chosen by Alice. 

"The dress is from Alice. And the boot is...." Bella said, looking down shyly.

"It's perfect," Edward said, going up to her to put the corsage on her wrist. They went to head out the door and dad stopped Bella long enough to make sure she had her pepper spray. 

"She'll be fine, dad," I said, "and I'm going to the Cullens. None of the others are going to prom."

"Okay be safe. keep your spray close just in case," dad said. I gave him a thumbs up and left the house, taking Bella's monster truck to get to the Cullen's . 


I stopped the truck in the drive and got out, arms pulling me into a hug as my feet hit the ground. Alice was hugging me tightly. I hadn't seen them since they got back. 

"Hi Alice. I missed you too." She let go and led me inside. Only Carlisle, Lucius, and Jasper were inside. I went to Carlisle's side and he wrapped an arm around me. 

"We'll start your training soon. But you will need to leave months at a time for the last bit of training," Lucius said.

"And I can run this by my dad how?" 

"I've already talked with him. He believes it is extra credit for your school and in case he looks, you have extra credit assignments from the school that place you in a school in Alaska. I'll take care of everything you're worried about. I want you to focus on getting damn temper under control and your schoolwork so we can keep appearance up. Don't need you wiggin' out if you get mad at your father or anyone else. We'll start now and at the beginning of your school again in August, that will be the last bit of your training. I've had Alice put my number in your phone. If you need me call me. Town doesn't need an angry panther on the loose." I grumbled under my breath and felt Carlisle's arm tightened slightly. 

"Why don't we start now and get your shifting at will under control?" Carlisle took my hand and led us all out the back door. I took off my jacket, my cuts visible but no one took any notice to them. At least not that I could see. 

"All right try it. By the end I want you shifting mid air." Carlisle pressed a kiss to my head and stepped away to be by Jasper and Alice. 

And so it begins. 

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