Chapter Three: You've got to be joking! No one looks that good

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The next week went by smoothly. People stopped trying to talk to me. The Cullen's and I grew closer, though I haven't seen or met their adoptive dad. Alice is trying to talk me into staying the night at her house. Probably won't work. That's not the only thing that's a little weird. Edward hasn't been at school all week. Alice and Rosalie tell me he's sick but I don't think he is. I know they're hiding something from me and it worries me. I finished getting ready for school Monday morning and waited for Bella. I didn't have to wait long and gave her the keys. I went outside and saw dad. Bella came out after me and slipped on the ice. She fell and dad picked her up. 

"You all right?" 

"Yeah. Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated." "I had new tires put on the truck.

The old ones were getting pretty bald." 

"Thanks." Dad left us, going over to the squad car. 

"I'll be home late. Got to go to Mason County. A security guard got killed by some kinda animal." 

"An animal?" 

"You're not in Phoenix any more, Bells." I got in the truck as Bella thanked Dad for the tires. Bella got in the truck, started it, and drove to school. Bella pulled into the parking lot and parked, turning off the truck. I got out, pulling my bag with me. I walked around the truck and saw Mike talking to Bella, who was staring past him at the Cullens'. I noticed Edward was back and narrowed my eyes.

 " you wanna go?" Mike asked Bella. Bella jumped a little as she focused on Mike. 

"Go where?" 

"To prom...with me?" 

"Oh, right. Prom, dancing. Not really my thing. Besides, Jade and I are going out of town to Jacksonville to visit our mom that weekend. But you should ask Jessica. I know she wants to go with you." 'Oh, great. Why the hell was that the first thing you think of?' I groaned silently. 

"Yeah? Thanks, Bella." Mike turned and left us standing there. I took out a notebook and hit Bella on the back of the head. 

"Are you insane? Jacksonville? That's the first thing that popped into your tiny head?" Bella rubbed the back of her head and I turned on my heel, walking over to the Cullens'. 

"Nice to see you back," I said to Edward. He said nothing, but was just staring at my sister. I waved a hand in front of his face and he turned his head towards me. Before he could say anything, the teacher by the bus started talking.

"Come on, people. Green is what...Good! So let's go." I got in a bus with the Cullens' and we started for a greenhouse. 'I could've stayed home if I had remembered we were doing this.' As soon as we got to the greenhouse, we got out and Edward walked over to Bella. Alice kept a hold on my arm and it was a good thing too. I slipped suddenly on a puddle and felt arms catch me. Jasper lifted me back onto my feet and then let go. 


"You're welcome." I looked over at Bella and Edward, both were looking very irritated. After we got done in the greenhouse, the teacher told us to get on the bus. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost three. 'Yay, we spent the whole day here.'

When we got back to school, the bell had already rang. Students were walking out of the building and to their cars or bus. I got off the bus and started going over to the truck when a freezing cold hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and faced Alice. I was used to the cold of her skin, seeing how she drug me almost everywhere. 

"I was just wondering. Do you wanna come over to our house tomorrow after school?" 

"Sure, I can't stay the night, but yeah. I'll need to tell Dad, though." I heard the the screech of tires as a van drove through the parking lot. The driver lost control and the van was spinning towards mine and Bella's truck. It probably would've been fine if Bella wasn't about to get in the truck. 

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