Chapter Four: Cullens' away- Oh, look pretty kitty!!!!

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(Waylon Forge has not died yet. Bella does know the Cullens are vampires, but has not visited their house yet.)

I woke up, sunlight streaming through my window. Almost immediately, my alarm went off and I hit the off button. But it didn't stop so I reached down and unplugged it. Still, the noise went on. I finally sat up and saw it was my phone. Alice was calling me. I reached over onto the nightstand and grabbed my phone. I answered it and held the phone up to my ear. 

"What is it, Alice?" 

"We're not gonna be at school today so don't plan on coming to our house." I held the phone away from me as I yawned and then brought it back. 

"Let me get this straight. You call me, waking me up at the most ungodly hour, just to tell me that you won't be at school and don't plan on going to your house?" I hated being woke up. I was fine with waking myself up, but if someone shakes me awake or calls me, I will be in a very bad mood all day.

"Yeah..." I exhaled sharply through my nose and hit the end call button. I got up and got ready for school. I went into Bella's room and saw she was already up. She was on her phone, looking at something. 

"What are you doing?" 

"You spend a lot of time with the Cullen's. Have you ever seen them eat?" 

"No, I haven't. What are you thinking about?" 

"Don't worry about it. You don't need to know yet anyway." I raised my eyebrows and left the room, knowing she was lying. 

"Get ready, Bells." I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, setting up the toaster. I got a piece of bread and put it in, pushing the switch down. I opened the fridge and pulled out the butter. I got a butter knife and leaned against the counter, waiting. Bella came down the stairs right as the bread popped up. Once I finished breakfast, I got the keys and headed out to the truck. Bella and I got in and I drove to school.

The sun was out, gleaming brightly. If the sun was the reason why the Cullen's were missing today, I would roll their heads. I parked the truck and got out, heading for class after locking the door. Bella was ahead of me and entered the school first. I was about to follow when I heard a tiny 'meow'. I turned and saw a black female kitten with a white chest and blue eyes, curled in a ball by the railing. My love for animals kicked in and I set down my bag, walking slowly towards the kitten. It heard me and jerked its head up, its ears laying flat against its head. 

"I won't hurt you." The kitten's tail began to twitch and it started to back away. I picked it up and held it close to my chest. The kitten was still in my arms until it realized I wasn't going to hurt it and then relaxed. 

"I can't take you in the school. But I can't leave you out here."

I thought for a moment then headed for the truck. I got in, set the kitten down on my bag and started the truck. I drove home and once there turned off the truck. I got out and being careful with the cat, walked towards the front door. I opened it and shut it behind me. I dropped my bag and headed for the kitchen, placing the kitten on the counter. 

"Let's see, what can I give you? Maybe you like salmon." I pulled out the raw fish, cut off a piece of I, put it on a plate, and fed the adorable fluff ball. The kitten looked at it, then at me, then back at the fish and sank her claws into it pulling off the plate. I raised an eyebrow as the kitten ripped apart the fish before eating. The kitten sat back on its haunches, licking its paws and whiskers. "I suppose you need a name, don't you? How about Twilight?"

The kitten gave me a 'are you freakin' serious look' and meowed. 

"Yeah, I agree. I don't like it either. What about Shadow?" The kitten purred and stood up, twitching her tail. I picked up Shadow, carrying her to my room. She jumped out of my arms when I reached my bed, curling into the covers. I pulled out my phone and dialed dad's number. 

"Jade, what's wrong? Why are you calling me during school?" 

"Nothing's wrong and at the moment, I'm not at school. Don't get mad, I have a good and valid reason. I found a kitten on the way to school and brought it home. Can I keep it?" I heard him sigh and could picture him trying to think of a way to say no without me going animal crazy on him. After about a minute or two, he spoke. 

"All right, but you take care of it, keep it fed and don't let it use the house as its bathroom."

"Ok. One thing, though, can you bring home a litter box?" 

"There's three twenties on the kitchen counter. Go get the box and the litter. Pick up some milk, too." 

"Great. Love you. Bye." I hung up before he could answer and put my phone in my back pocket. I turned to looked at Shadow whose tail was tucked under her paws. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Pulling a towel from the closet, I put it on the ground and then sat Shadow on top of it. "I'll be back in a little while. Be good." I walked out of the bathroom and shut the door.

I jogged downstairs, picked up my keys and money, and headed for the door. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. I locked the front door once it closed and almost slipped on the icy steps. I made it to my truck and pulled out my phone. There was a text from Alice. From what I could see it was in all caps. I rolled my eyes slightly and put it back in my pocket, not reading it. I got in and started it, and pulled out of the driveway. I looked at my watch and was surprised that a little over forty-five minutes had passed. I drove to the store and got out. I felt eyes on me and it didn't give me a pleasant feeling. I walked quickly into the store and immediately started looking for the box and litter. It wasn't too difficult to find, but the kind of litter to pick was a little challenging.

I just grabbed one bag and a simple litter box with no top and a scooper. I went to the refrigerator stuff next and took out one of the half gallon 2% milk. I got back up to the register and paid for all the stuff. The woman behind the counter put the groceries in bags and handed it to me. 

"Thank you," I said, taking the bags and the change. She smiled in response and I left the store. I could feel the eyes on me again and turned to look. Four men, three tall and slightly muscular, one heavy and long hair, stood at the corner of the store, looking at me like I was their next 'date'. Most people wouldn't be able to tell what that look on the men's face meant, but with my past, I nearly froze in fright at the look. I looked away quickly and hurried to the truck, unlocking it quickly.

I got and set the stuff beside, starting the truck, and drove home. I turned off the truck as soon as I got in the driveway and got out with the groceries. My phone started buzzing and Time Turner from Ministry of Magic started playing. That was my ringtone for everyone. I opened the front door and shut it behind me. I set the stuff on the counter, my breathing quickening. I put the milk up and then took the litter box and litter to the bathroom. I opened the door and found Shadow sitting up, washing one of her paws. I put the litter box in between the toilet and bathtub, and then filled the box with litter. I set the scooper on top of the toilet and picked up Shadow.

I went to my room and sat on my bed with Shadow in front of me. My breathing picked up, my legs started to tingle, and terror covered me like a blanket. My chest started to tighten and I leaned forward, hoping for it pass swiftly. My phone started going off once more and I reached a shaky hand to get it. It was Alice and I had several missed texts from her, Jasper, and an unknown number. I hit the answer button and Alice's voice shouted from the phone. 

"Jade, listen to me. We're on our way to your house. We called Charlie and he's picking Bella up from school. It's only me and Carlisle that are coming, all right?" I pressed my hands to my head and pulled my knees to my chest, tears falling down my face. Dizziness set it and I couldn't make out what Alice was saying.

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