Chapter Two: The Cullen's

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(Imagine that Esme is not in the picture. Could not find a picture of all of them without her.)

I opened my eyes, hearing my alarm. 'First day at a new school. Great.' I got up and went to the bathroom Bella and I shared. I started the shower and shut the door, locking it. I pulled out a towel and placed it on the counter. I stripped and got in the shower. The warm water hit my cold body, instantly warming me up. Once I was done, I got out and dried off. I wrapped the towel around my body and went to my room, shutting the door behind me. I dropped the towel and went over to my dresser. I pulled out black jeans, black t-shirt, a bra, and new underwear. I pulled on my clothes, ignoring the knocking person at the door. 

"Jade, open the door." Dad continued knocking till I went over and opened the door. 

"Thank you. I'm about to leave for work. Just thought I'd let you know.

Oh, and make sure you and Bella are on time." 

"Ok. We'll be fine." Dad left, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and went to my desk. I put my headphones around my neck, pulling my hair out from under it. I picked up my laptop and put it in my shoulder bag along with the other tech. I put a few pencils in the bag and went to my closet. I opened it and pulled out a black leather jacket. I placed it by my bag and grabbed a pair of socks. I slipped them on and looked for my knee high combat boots with chain wrapping up my ankles to the top of the boots, making several large X's. I pulled them on and zipped them up. I went to Bella's room to make sure she was awake and she was, sitting up in her bed, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. 

"I don't see how you get up so early."

"I'm just a morning person." 

"No, you're a night owl." Bella got up, stumbling to the bathroom. I heard the shower start and left Bella's room. I got the truck keys from the small box on my dresser and put on my jacket. I grabbed my bag and shrugged it onto my shoulder. I looked at my watch. We had thirty minutes before school started. The shower stopped and I heard Bella going back to her room. Her door closed and quick shuffling started. Bella was ready in ten minutes with her jacket pulled on and her backpack slung over one shoulder. I headed outside and locked the door behind me. Bella shut it and got in the passenger side of the truck. I got in the drivers side and put my bag in between both of us. Bella placed her bag on mine as I started the truck.

I buckled up and Bella did the same. I backed out, shifted gears, and drove to school. It took about ten minutes to get there. I parked and turned off the truck. I took the keys out of the ignition and put them in my pocket. People were looking at both me and Bella. But Bella more. I grabbed my bag and got out, shutting the door behind me. 

"Bella, I'm gonna go get my schedule. I'll see you later." I left Bella and headed for the school. People moved out of my way, but continued to stare at me. I was at the double doors when a small pixie like figure blocked my way. 

"Hi, I'm Alice. This is Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward. You're new, aren't you?" I moved slightly away from the group and answered. "Yeah. I'm Jade. Nice to meet you."

The dirty blonde guy, Jasper, looked like he was in pain. All of them had gold eyes and very pale skin. 

"Have you got your schedule yet?" The blonde haired girl, Rosalie, looked at me curiously as she asked that. 

"No. I was going to get it." 

"We'll take you there, if you want," Emmett said. I nodded and and Alice lunged at me, hugging me around my neck. I froze and my arms were rigid at my side. 

"Alice, you might want to let her go," Edward said. Alice released me and stepped back while I slowly relaxed. 

"Let's go," Alice said, taking my arm and dragging me behind her. I kept up with her easy and the others were behind us. Alice led me in the office and asked the office aid for my schedule. She gave it to Alice who gave it to me. I looked over it and felt Alice leaning over my shoulder.

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